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Accident with a police car

A police car accident happened on a third-class road. In the incident, which happened around 10.00 this morning on the road Roman – Hubavene, there are victims. There were two policemen in the police car who were on patrol. Suddenly a jeep crashed into them. The driver explained that he felt sick and lost control of the vehicle. As a result of the impact, the police car ended up in the roadside ditch.

The two policemen were taken to the hospital in Vratsa. The one who drove the car is in surgery. The other police officer was examined and discharged.

The driver of the jeep was taken to the emergency center in Mezdra. He suffered a stroke. After being examined, he will be taken to hospital.

The two drivers were not tested for alcohol on the spot because their condition did not allow it. Samples are to be taken, btv reported.

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