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Academic Forum Territories of Care Contributions from the academy to the XVI regional conference on women

The Forum, convened by the Government of Mexico through the National Institute for Women (INM), the Colegio de México, AC (COLMEX), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), seeks to be a space for exchange and regional dialogue to identify advances and synergies in the research agenda to respond to the challenges of policies and care systems in Latin America and the Caribbean (ALEC), their articulation with social protection and all public policies.

Universities, think tanks, academic networks and networks of women and feminists from the region working on care issues are invited. Approximately 100 people are expected to participate.

The Forum will begin with a presentation of the roadmap for the next Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, which will be held in Mexico in 2025 with the theme: “Transformations in the political, economic, social, cultural and environmental spheres to promote the care society and gender equality.” This will be followed by a discussion based on the exchange of ideas and proposals on the Care Society. In particular, the debate will focus on:

  • Mesa 1: The right to care
  • Mesa 2: Care, territories and environmental sustainability
  • Mesa 3: Decent work and the care economy
  • Mesa 4: Challenges to the care research agenda
  • International discussion: The care society and women’s rights.

The Forum will feature the participation of academics and specialists from research centers, universities, governments, agencies, funds and programs of the United Nations system, and civil society organizations. The panels will have diverse voices seeking a comprehensive view from different angles. Each block will be moderated by people with experience in the subject who will propose guiding questions to broaden the dialogue. Each block will be organized into two sections: a first expository section and then parallel sessions for exchange and collective learning.

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