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Abuse trial in New York? What’s Next for Andrew – Hot Spots

New York / London (AP) – Virginia Giuffre has repeatedly repeated her serious allegations against Prince Andrew: He is said to have had sex with the then minor more than 20 years ago – according to her own statements, she was killed by the notorious US multimillionaire Jeffrey Epstein forced to.

Even if Andrew categorically denies the allegations, the palace has now distanced itself from him – a process is more likely. How the abuse scandal could continue.

How likely is a trial in the US at the moment?

“I think a trial is very likely, almost certain,” said legal expert and attorney Neama Rahmani, a former US attorney. Civil lawsuits are usually settled out of court, but Rahmani believes this case is different. Many victims did not want to testify publicly, but Giuffre was very open about their allegations. In addition, a lawsuit is their best way to get a large sum of damages.

On Friday night, Guiffre himself welcomed the decision of a New York court on Twitter, which had previously dismissed objections from Prince Andrew’s lawyers. “I’m glad I’ll have the chance to further reveal the truth,” she wrote. Her goal has always been to show that even the rich and powerful are not above the law.

However, the high-profile lawyer Sarah Krissoff is more skeptical about the possibility of civil proceedings. She notes that Prince Andrew should have a keen interest in an out-of-court settlement to avoid embarrassingly detailed accounts in court. Therefore he could possibly propose a good deal to Giuffre.

At a hearing in November, Judge Lewis Kaplan named fall 2022 as a possible date for a main trial.

What verdict can Prince Andrew expect?

Since this is a civil lawsuit, apart from further damage to his image, the only consequences for Andrew can only be financial. Any monetary possessions of the royals in the US and accounts could then be targeted by the judiciary for this purpose – if Giuffre gets justice. Prison sentences or the like are only possible in criminal proceedings.

The Queen will not support Andrew with a penny. The palace said he would defend himself as a “private citizen”. According to the “Sun”, the prince wants to draw fresh money from the sale of his chalet in Switzerland, which could bring him at least 15 million pounds.

Is Prince Andrew no longer part of the Royal Family?

Andrew had to return all his military ranks and royal patronage to the Queen. He will no longer bear his title “His Royal Highness”. He still has his place in the line of succession – in ninth place, however, with hardly any realistic chances. The Queen could not have gone much further to distance herself and the crown from the scandal.

Since a trial against Andrew has come within reach, public pressure has increased significantly. More than 150 military veterans called on the Queen to strip Andrew of all military roles – which she did within hours as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. The “Times” sees this as a signal that the monarch has finally lost patience. In the past, Andrew has often been referred to as the Queen’s favorite child.

What options does Andrew have?

It is extraordinary that the royal family should dismantle a high-ranking member of their own family in such a way. However, it wasn’t too long ago that another member had to return his military ranks: Prince Harry also met this fate when he and his wife, Duchess Meghan, retired from royal duties and emigrated to California.

In theory, the 61-year-old could cooperate with the US court and try to prove his innocence. However, expert Rahmani considers that very unlikely: Firstly, Andrew is not obliged to travel to the United States and cannot be forced to cooperate. Secondly, any collaboration carries the risk of making itself vulnerable to criminal charges.

Can Andrew be forced to give sworn testimony?

The US authorities cannot request extradition in connection with the current civil proceedings. The Duke of York could be asked by the judge to testify. But if he does not follow, the only option left for the court is to order the jury to assume that Prince Andrew’s testimony would have harmed him.

Is there still the possibility of a criminal prosecution?

Attorney Krissoff warns that the legal hurdles for criminal charges at the US federal level are very high. Colleague Rahmani, on the other hand, says that this is “certainly a possibility”. After Jeffrey Epstein’s arrest, investigators tried to speak to Andrew as a witness, but this never took place. It is unclear whether prosecutors are specifically investigating him or whether there are any unpublished charges. “I expect that if there is enough credible evidence, the US Attorney’s Office will indict anyone involved in the sexual abuse involving Epstein, whether it’s Prince Andrew or anyone else,” Rahmani said.

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