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Absurd Things in the World: The Spicy and Evil National Security Law in Hong Kong Vs. the UK’s Double Standards

Absurd things in the world, really every day. A month ago, the British Foreign Office published the “Half-Year Report on Hong Kong”, pointing out that Hong Kong people’s human rights and freedoms have been eroded, and calling on Beijing to abolish the “Hong Kong National Security Law”. , there is no human rights at all, the truth is “only the government is allowed to set fire.” Tang Jiahua, a member of the guild and a senior official, published an article today dismantling how this law is “spicy and evil”.

Not long ago, the United Kingdom formally passed the “National Security Law”. Tang Jiahua, a member of the guild and a senior lawyer, dismantled the law, saying it was “extremely spicy” and allowed suspects to be detained without court trials, which completely violated internationally recognized basic human rights.

The “extra hot bill” in the UK has been brewing for nearly a year, and it was recently passed by the Parliament and officially became law. Tang Jiahua has read countless laws and regulations, and he can see the most “evil” among them at a glance. He said that according to this law, as long as the Secretary of State reasonably believes that anyone suspected of “threat behavior by foreign powers” can apply to the court to arrest him and confine him within a radius of 200 miles of his residence for up to five years.

MI5 and MI6, which are responsible for national security in the UK, have been given greater powers to combat foreign interference in the UK. It is very obvious that the British government holds “double standards” to the Hong Kong National Security Law.

Because this is a national security case, it is different from ordinary crimes. When the court issues a decree according to this law, there is no need to go through a trial, and the suspicious person has no chance to defend in court. When the Secretary of State applies the Act to the courts, they are required to do so unless the court deems there is a “clear error”.

Tang Jiahua also saw another “spicy” point, that is, people who are locked up can no longer use general financial services, including having bank accounts, and are not allowed to use computers and mobile phones to surf the Internet, and are prohibited from contacting people designated by the authorities.

He believes that these provisions clearly violate the basic human rights stipulated in the International Covenant on Human Rights. As long as the authorities characterize the relevant person as “potentially endangering the national interest”, they can kill the crab with a big stone. Official power overrides human rights, which is quite terrifying.

Tang Jiahua pointed out earlier that in the “Hong Kong National Security Law”, the definition of criminal elements is rigorous and clear, targeting secession, subversion of the regime, terrorism, collusion with foreign forces, etc. What exactly is the act of “damaging national interests” is not clearly stated in the law, and the power to define it is given to the executive officials. Therefore, when it comes to the “evil” of the law, he believes that the British national security law is nothing compared to Hong Kong.

According to the British official explanation, the “spicy” national security law this time is aimed at threats from external forces, including espionage, interference in politics and other fields, destruction of infrastructure, disinformation, and cyber attacks. The Ministry of the Interior also made it clear that it targeted countries including Russia and China.

What makes people feel extremely absurd is why the UK can implement the “extremely spicy” national security law in order to guard against external threats, even disregarding human rights. But Britain has changed its face, scolding one thing and doing another, accusing?

Tang Jiahua was also surprised by one thing, that is, the British people seldom raised objections to this law that disregarded human rights, and the local media did not have much criticism.

It can be seen that it is not only officials and politicians who hold “double standards”, but the people and the media are also full of irrational prejudice against Hong Kong.

Tokihito Monogatari

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Stepping into August, Hong Kong’s consumer market is besieged on all sides, and various negative factors have made the atmosphere gloomy. The so-called comparison between people and dead people, Shanghai and Shenzhen and other mainland cities have launched a “night economy”. slumped. Therefore, Cai Ye recently ordered the promotion of “night economy”. The deputy secretary of the Financial Secretary, Huang Weilun, took the lead, and then mobilized the “officials, businessmen and people”. However, shops and restaurants are severely understaffed. If this “knot” cannot be untied, it will be very difficult to hold night shows.

The government promotes the “night economy”. Deputy Financial Secretary Huang Weilun holds the banner and negotiates with shopping mall operators to extend the business hours. The consortium responded enthusiastically, but the shortage of shop staff is a major obstacle.

After Huang Weilun received the order a few days ago, he quickly approached some industry representatives and councilors “Duqiao”, and contacted the operators of several large shopping malls to see if they could open the doors for a few more hours and hold some night activities to attract tourists in 8 , After 9 o’clock, you can still eat, drink and shop in the mall to maintain a lively atmosphere.

Compared with looking for a place to hold Taiwan-style “night markets”, it is easier to implement the extension of business hours in large shopping malls, and it can also be carried out quickly. There will be no big rounds of shopping malls. Therefore, the government hopes that shopping malls will be the first to open.

For the consortium operating the shopping mall, extending the opening hours to make the mall more prosperous is good for business, and it can also express the positive attitude of “supporting the economy together” to the grandfather and the SAR government, and earn points, so Quick and high-profile response.

Therefore, several consortiums operating large shopping malls, including Sun Hung Kai Properties, Henderson, New World and Chinachem, announced at about the same time yesterday that in order to support and cooperate with the government’s promotion of the “night economy”, their shopping malls will actively consider extending the business hours of some days Time, and hold night activities to attract people flow, and at the same time discuss with merchants about the arrangements for closing shops at night.

The extended opening hours of shopping malls really help to boost the nighttime consumption atmosphere. At present, many shopping malls are very calm after 9:00 p.m. The less, the quieter the field, the fewer people” effect, as time goes by, the “city that never sleeps” will gradually disappear. If this situation can be reversed, it will be beneficial to both the consortium and the merchants.

However, the store has to operate at night, and there is a big problem to solve, that is, the lack of staff. Where can we find people to do night shifts? SHKP’s executive director Feng Xiuyan pointed out problems yesterday. She said that the shop is not out of business, but that it can’t hire people. In the past, shops could make two shifts, three shifts, or even overnight shifts, but now many shop owners work alone. Of course, it is not smooth to do more than 10 minutes, so they simply close their doors and do not do business if there is any business.

Consortiums expressed their views one after another, saying that they are actively considering supporting the “night economy”, but there is a shortage of store staff, and whether they can cooperate is still a question mark.

A friend in the retail industry told me about this situation, and he also groaned to the point of falling leaves. He said that in many stores in the shopping mall, an employee went straight down, and even went to the toilet. It’s not easy being out of business until midnight. If the shops are difficult to cooperate and do not open for business, even if the shopping malls extend their business hours, no tourists will come in, and the “night market” will lose its meaning.

He said that restaurants are also facing the same problem. There are simply not enough staff to do two shifts. The last order at 9 o’clock is forced. Why not do it if there is business? Therefore, if the shopping malls extend the time, they must cooperate as a whole.

In Shanghai and Shenzhen, not only shopping malls and restaurants stay open late at night, but some tourist landmarks such as museums and art galleries also open after midnight to cooperate with the “night economy”. If Hong Kong follows this example, it may be more difficult than shops and restaurants to hire personnel to watch night shifts.

It seems that the shortage of manpower is a major obstacle to Hong Kong’s “night economy”. The only way to solve the problem is to let the retail and catering industries import foreign aid as soon as possible. A representative of the industry told me that the relevant applications will start in the third quarter, and if the approval is successful, it will take about three to four months to arrive. Before foreign aid arrived in Hong Kong, some shopping malls had to choose a day to extend their business hours, and it was difficult to fully develop the “night economy”.

“Night economy” is intertwined. In addition to the shortage of manpower, there are transportation arrangements, etc. If the government wants to promote it, it can only dismantle it one by one. It is by no means an easy job. However, it is difficult to do. The consumer market has a way to fall. If you do not plan to boost the valley, it will be difficult to save when the decline is over.

2023-08-24 13:20:16
#Tang #Jiahua #disassembled #British #National #Security #Law #spicy #evil #human #rights #horrible #curse #set

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