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“Absolutely safe!” – Media project on the use of the social media platform “Snapchat”

Creative media education in open child and youth work / Short videos are published weekly

The social media platform “Snapchat” is one of the most important communication platforms for children and young people. That is why it is particularly important to use the app safely and to recognize potential dangers. Against this background, young people from the Gescher and Vreden youth organizations have dealt intensively with the use of Snapchat as part of their “Appsolut safe!” project. In keeping with the “social media” background, they independently made eleven short videos in which they humorously summarize the most important aspects of various topics. “The videos turned out so well that the two youth organizations are now also making them available to their peers for educational purposes,” explains Katharina Elsing, who initiated and supported the project on behalf of the Child and Youth Support Department of the Borken District Youth Welfare Office. The idea was born out of “Safer Internet Day” in February 2024, which the department took as an opportunity to focus on the topic of “media education”.

From August 26, 2024, the short videos will be published weekly on the Tik Tok and YouTube channels of the two youth centers (TikTok: @jugendwerkgescher and YouTube: @jugendwerkgescher3703, @jugendwerkvredene.v.5511). They will focus on topics such as:

  • “Snap Map” & GPS location
  • Image rights: Photos / Nude photos / Screenshots
  • Fake profile and content
  • Data protection
  • Security settings

“We want to make other young people aware of the potential dangers without them feeling like they have to be lectured by adults. We had a lot of fun working out the content and scripts for the videos ourselves,” the young people explain their motivation.

Due to the particularly positive response from young people, the three actors involved (Jugendwerk Gescher, Jugendwerk Vreden and Borken district) have decided to submit the media project “Appsolut sicher!” for the “Dieter Baacke Prize”. This is a nationwide award for media education projects, which is given in six categories – including for projects by and with young people.

Outlook: Creative media education remains the focus. The young people involved are considering getting to grips with the next app soon. Whether it will be TikTok, WhatsApp or Instagram – that has not yet been decided. Perhaps the next trend will be there by then and another platform will be the focus. One thing is certain: “The safe and sensitive use of social media platforms is a particularly important topic for children and young people,” emphasises Katharina Elsing.

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