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Abrignani, Cts: “Without the no vax shelters, Italy would be in the white zone”


“If we were all vaccinated, the intensive beds occupied would be 20-25% of the current ones, so all of Italy would be white. Of the approximately 3 million unvaccinated over 50s, 1.4 million are over 60, approximately 8% of the total population of this age. A minority that, however, fills the resuscitations and conditions the life of the 92% who fulfill their duty “. He is inflexible on a line that has long supported Professor Sergio Abrignani, member of the CTS, immunologist of the State University of Milan, in an interview with Corriere della sera. For some time he has been inclined towards the compulsory vaccination against Covid and the speed with which the Omicron variant is spreading convinces him even more that this is the right way to not go back:

“A fundamental parameter for the Regions to change color and for the lives of millions of Italians to be disrupted is the percentage of employment in intensive care. Today more than 80% of the beds are for the unvaccinated. And that’s not fair. If the Regions go from yellow to orange, and hopefully not to red, the responsibility will largely lie with those who have refused anti-Covid prophylaxis. In fact, data from the Higher Institute of Health tell us that an 80-year-old non-immunized person has a 85 times higher risk of ending up in intensive care than a vaccinated. The risk is 13 times higher between 60 and 79 and 6 times higher between 40 and 59. Do we still want to talk about persuasion? Is it acceptable that 9 out of 10 Italians have to pay for the behavior of a few? Not to mention the economic damage that falls on some categories when the Regions change color. Is the vaccination obligation a tough measure? Covid is very hard “.

For Abrignani there is no other way to go if you do not want to return to the paralysis of the country and the health system. Therefore it is unacceptable to continue to hear doubts founded on nothing:

“The virus makes no distinction between ideology and hesitation. I can understand those who have doubts while I do not justify those who in such a critical situation for the country, after two years of pandemic, harbor paranoid certainties: those who say that the vaccine modifies the DNA and renders sterile, those who ramble on a world conspiracy of big pharma for the control of the peoples, those who claim that the coffins of Bergamo were empty “.

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