Home » today » Sport » About the total failure of the Litvínov support, but also about the Hradec Králové ride and the mistakes of the Czech hockey team

About the total failure of the Litvínov support, but also about the Hradec Králové ride and the mistakes of the Czech hockey team

Despite the pre-season ambitions, the season ended after the basic part, and coach Vladimír Růžička, who replaced the dismissed Vladimír Országh in November, did not change anything. However, the team did not score, the key players of Hübl and Lukeš are getting older and the total failure of the season is the performances of Richard Jarůšek. However, the main blame lies with the coach Růžička or the general director of the club Pavel Hynek, who composed the team in the summer?

On the other hand, the ride of Hradec Králové, which ended in winning the Presidential Cup, was a pleasant surprise. What is the magic of the coaching tandem Tomáš Martinec – Ladislav Čihák? But there’s only one thing that’s a little sorry about Mountfield. But could Mountfield’s leadership have acted differently?

From an individual point of view, the comet of the basic part is the Spartan Filip Chlapík, who, after returning from overseas, mastered the Canadian scoring and the table of the extra-league shooters. It is all the more incomprehensible why the 24-year-old striker, the former national coach Pešán and general manager Nedvěd, did not even give them a chance to compete for the Beijing Olympics …

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