Home » today » World » About the stupidity of morons in politics or who did Prof. Ivo Hristov offend!? – 2024-08-11 17:46:51

About the stupidity of morons in politics or who did Prof. Ivo Hristov offend!? – 2024-08-11 17:46:51

/ world today news/ The organizers of the “drum fight” against the scientist and national representative are looking for a new culmination of Russophobia, but they have more than once swallowed the humiliations inflicted on Bulgaria by Ankara, Washington or Brussels as a submissive heaven.

For a long time, our national elite has not reacted with such civil indignation and so unitedly in connection with a remark of a Bulgarian intellectual – lawyer and political scientist, erudite internationalist. And this would be commendable if those affected by Prof. Ivo Hristov’s words were not subjects hot and seething in Bulgarian politics and public life.

Let’s specify what exactly Prof. Ivo Hristov says?

According to him, the people who condemn the statement of Maria Zakharova – spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, in connection with the role of the Red Army in rescuing the Bulgarian Jews, are “morons”. And as an expression of his bitterness that our people are too patient, compromising and ready for anything for the sake of their survival, he maliciously adds that 80% of the Bulgarian people are “morons”. Indeed, as a representative of the people with this qualification, he violates regulated rules of social behavior. Because of this, he apologized to the people who felt affected.

In this case, what surprises me is not the disputing of Prof. Hristov’s opinion, but the well-organized hysteria surrounding Zakharova’s statement and Prof. Ivo Hristov’s comment.

You will ask why?

Because it is clear that the active campaign, demanding that Prof. Hristov be removed from the parliament, is a new culmination of Russophobia. It is fueled by political factors and their spokespersons who directly or indirectly earn their living from foreign funds and foundations. The organizers of the “drum fight” against Prof. Hristov have more than once swallowed like a submissive paradise more than one humiliation inflicted on Bulgaria by Ankara, Washington and Brussels! Now they are irritated that instead of denouncing Maria Zakharova as a representative of the Kremlin, the professor condemns yet another sacrilege with the Soviet monuments in our country, the xenophobia of neoliberal anti-communism, covered up for many times by the right politicians and media. That he is trying to give his own explanation to what the spokeswoman of the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

According to Hristov, Zakharova meant that the victories of the Soviet Army on the Eastern Front during the Second World War and the subsequent liberation of Europe from fascism influenced the rescue, let’s call it the re-rescue, of the Bulgarian Jews. Even due to the fact that if events had not turned out so victoriously for the Soviet Union (I would add – victoriously for both the USA and Great Britain), the Bulgarian Jews – sooner or later – would have been sent to the death camps.

According to Prof. Hristov, the emphasis in Zakharova’s speech is not on who saved the Bulgarian Jews, but on the reviled Monument to the Soviet Army in Sofia! On the eve of the Great October Revolution, an inscription appeared on the monument: “100 years of Zionist occupation”, which is a gross insult to the Jewish people, but also to the contribution of Russia in the Second World War. For Zakharova, the most disturbing thing is that the authorities in our country do not take punitive measures against neo-fascist manifestations, that they do not fulfill international agreements of fundamental importance for the protection of anti-fascist monuments, including between Bulgaria and the Russian Federation. This concern and this escalation of tone on the part of Russia is understandable, given that in the last year, neoliberal fascism has proceeded to mass destruction of Soviet monuments in Poland and in the Baltics.

Isn’t the encroachment and desecration of the Alyosha Monument in Plovdiv, which happened days after the encroachment and desecration of the Soviet Army Monument, a confirmation of the concern shared by Zakharova and Prof. Hristov? In Plovdiv, the entire monument was insulted with inscriptions that testify that neo-fascism operates in Bulgaria today arrogantly and with complete impunity! It is true that, unlike other times, the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement. But the point is that the perpetrators of the crime have not been discovered and probably will not be discovered. And punished in our country for desecration of anti-fascist monuments — none!

Many do not understand how dangerous it is for us, the Bulgarians, to desecrate the Alyosha monument. Not only because of the danger of a new deterioration of our interstate relations with Moscow. And because there is no Russian who does not feel sacred feelings in front of this monument, who does not consider it a supreme symbol of national sacrifice, even if only because of the song about the Russian soldier Alyosha who died for the freedom of humanity.

Let’s go back to the “80 percent morons”?

I will start with the fact that Prof. Hristov, for the first time since the last parliamentary elections, is getting more directly involved in politics. Otherwise, in his public appearances, he has always defended the Bulgarian cause and the Bulgarian national interest! He never hid that he was against the transformation of Bulgaria into a protectorate of the USA, that our economy and politics are suffering heavy damage from the deteriorating relations with Russia. His language as a scientist and publicist is, to begin with, direct, sharp and precise. Prefers the sharp over the banal. A man outside the system, he is visibly different from the general chorus of builders of our society today.

His statement about obesity is no exception to his way of dialogue. In addition, our Bulgarian experience shows that expressions of extreme disappointment with the people, in many cases, are neither a manifestation of cynicism nor of national nihilism. Otherwise, we would have to throw out of the board of our Bulgarian existence the genius Hristo Botev, who likens the Bulgarian people to an obedient flock of sheep that went to the slaughter. We will also have to cross out Petko R. Slaveikov, send him to a political auto-dafe, because he calls his people – scum. So, in our cultural history, there are many examples when strong love for the people is also expressed through such negative qualifications.

In fact, Prof. Hristov gives expression to a general disappointment from the thirty years of transition, from the fact that our national elite makes mistake after mistake, disgrace after disgrace, and the people suffer in order to “save their souls”, accept without much resistance every an attack on his human and citizen rights! Thus, the “moron” mentality of the elite is transferred like a disease to the people.

And really, isn’t it a fact that the stupidity of our national elite made Bulgaria the poorest country in the EU, with poor health care and mass illiteracy? That it got us into a demographic catastrophe? Isn’t the program of Ran and Ut ordered in 1990 for the destruction of Bulgaria a manifestation of weakness? Where has it been heard and seen that a new class is being formed – that of the capitalists, with multi-million loans that are bankrupting the banking system? Only morons with a Bulgarian nature can easily destroy their modern agriculture, tear it to pieces under the insane slogan “returning the land to “real limits”. What normal politician and statesman would completely liquidate the industry of his country, would sell “Balkan” Airlines for the price of an apartment, and “Kremikovtsi” for one lev? Who in another country would lose a hundred billion from privatization, from which normal countries make a profit? Who would accept so uncomplainingly to take away his social rights, to collapse his educational system and science, to erase his cultural memory, to receive humiliating pensions and miserable wages?

Isn’t the agreement that our elite gave to stop the two operating power units of the “Kozloduy” NPP, to close the “Agriculture” chapter, with unfavorable clauses for Bulgaria, a pure example of stupidity? Who else but a moron would refuse, after a de facto contract, to build the Belene NPP and instead, the Bulgarian taxpayer should pay billions of BGN out of his pocket for power units and facilities that, ordered and built, are now worthless built site? Isn’t it a sign of stupidity to give consent to the construction of the South Stream gas pipeline, from which you would earn half a billion leva every year and absorb the most modern technologies, and finally give up in favor of neighboring Turkey? Didn’t stupid Bulgarians define Russia as the ultimate threat to our national security and even declared that if NATO goes against the Russians and Bulgarians, we will participate in the war on the side of our allies?

If it is so, if the deformations have progressed to such an extent in our country, doesn’t a university professor have the right to call our national elite morons. But also to face the ox-like patience of our people! Like the famous verse: “Whoa…you’re idiots!”…

I do not want to become Prof. Ivo Hristov’s lawyer. But over the indifferent, the hypocrites, the fixers, and the brainless, I prefer people who sincerely and angrily react to falseness and decadence. Even in cases when they can’t and don’t want to measure their talk!

#stupidity #morons #politics #Prof #Ivo #Hristov #offend

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