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About the severed right – View Info – 2024-03-16 00:07:20


A worthy Bulgarian, an amazing sculptor, an incomparable man and an indisputable spiritual guru – Alexander Dyakov, in the late 1970s prepared a conceptual project for the spatial rearrangement of the composition of the “Monument to the Soviet Army” and submitted it for consideration to the “Committee for Culture” and ” SBH”, if I’m not mistaken – in the early 80s of the last century.

I present this unique example of national spirit and faith, of courage, of creative intellect and divine wisdom to you today, not to slander the simplicity and barbarism of the act of destroying the Monument to the Soviet Army. We simply need in this dark time to see “alternatives”, examples that speak for themselves and decapitate the whole autodidactic, tendentious, self-serving Russophobic production – directed with the sole purpose of “angry” and “confrontation”, to fascism and divide society , to destroy civil peace and long-standing relations between two brotherly, Slavic and Orthodox peoples..!

Sasho Dyakov is the son of a regent.
His father was the Minister of Justice and educated before 9/9/1944.
I say this so that various communist order-bearers and bandits of the new era, who changed into Euro-Atlantic armor and today are unreachable neither by the prosecutor, nor by “Magnitsky”, nor by Fate, have a say… /behave like Aleksey Petrov – right by a “litter” were/.

In Alexander Dyakov’s rationale for changing the Monument to the Soviet Army, we read:
/I pay attention: Under “Socialism”, the son of a royal regent and minister, this “enemy of the people” is allowed to officially present a project for the reconstruction of the Red Army Monument!!!
Ah, that DS…
Draw parallels with the current democracy..!/

  1. We are Orthodox nations, the weapon cannot be at the top, (as the main symbol of the victory over “YES” fascism) but as a symbol of our relationship “NO”– The common symbol is the Cross /Faith/.

  2. This suggests not tearing down a spectacular work of art, but rearranging the composition. Because the war/WWW/ has caused a lot of trouble, death, hatred, revenge and opposition in the society – it is logical (for both the Russian and the Bulgarian people) to replace weapons and fear with the “God’s right hand” of reconciliation. Therefore:

  3. The Orthodox Cross of Faith and “God’s right hand”, Forgiveness and Reconciliation, should rise highest and the figural compositions should develop in the lower space, then the “sword” would simply be a tool to achieve human justice against the Barbarism of Fascism. In humanity’s battle against evil.

Thus, the great Alexander Dyakov created prerequisites, like the Bulgarians to be together without destroying…
So that one day, in one of the generations to come, we can forgive each other, reconcile, live with dignity and build a Fatherland together.

I was with him in the Presidency when, on his 80th anniversary, Father Sasho received from the President the Plevneliev Order “Cyril and Methodius” and the symbolic “Key to the capital” – as an honorary citizen of Sofia.
I remember, on this occasion, the incomparable Alexander Dyakov said: “…I accept this order as if “posthumously”, because I am an HONORABLE citizen /including of Sofia/ and I don’t know if I should attend this circus today.?! Because those from the past at least allowed me to work and realize several of my works. Those today did not fulfill some of my projects…Some embassy told them to reward me, another years ago – not to kill me. Simply because I am honorable…

A worthy man knows what is just, a simple man knows what is profitable…
The Worthy is guided by Justice, and the Simple by Advantage”

Today, unlike the times of Confucius and Alexander Dyakov, it is most difficult to talk about dignity and integrity.
Worthy deeds.
Decent behavior.
A dignified and honorable life…
But, for Simplicity – Ooo, simplicity is honored today!!!

  • There is no way that a person like “Borisov” can rule for twenty years – / the longest-ruling prime minister, recipient of the “Lomonosov” order for the guardian of the monument of the Soviet Army (November 23, 2007)
    /and that this is not a characteristic of the level of the “electorate”…

  • There is no way a person like “Peevski” can hold ministerial positions straight from the student bench, “award” him with “Magnitsky” to become a deputy of the DPS, head of DANS under Stanishev (BSP) and shadow prime minister of “Sglobkata” (PPDB GERB SDS) and that is not characteristic of the “dignity” of the nation…

  • There is no way, in the middle of a war between two Orthodox nations, to export weapons to one, and destroy the monuments and close the temples of the other. This is unacceptable according to the laws of diplomacy and is “barbarism” in Orthodox and universal language. And for barbaric actions /on any country/ – there is no forgiveness..! /…and Zakharova never hesitates to confirm it/

What kind of freaks must they be that can create for their people ‘such a prospect.?!
“Unworthy” anyway. These shameful and dangerous plans are probably profitable for someone – because it is clear to every average idiot from the colonial Bulgarian “elite” that today the Bulgarian “Maidan” is assumed… For which, just a few days ago, at the football match “Bulgaria-Hungary”, paid bands held a “scheduled” rehearsal /if it is more appropriate, we will call it training/. Who is interested in unleashing civil conflict, hatred, fascism?! Who pushes the false “Assembly” of absurd political entities and painfully familiar dependent, pitiful and unworthy people /JUDI/ – to this cynical, neo-Nazi behavior that degrades public relations?!

…And won’t our colonial elite once again assemble and challenge the /Orthodox/ God’s right hand of Reconciliation – to appear again, this time with a Kalashnikov in hand.?!

This is what the Embassy wants..! And not a single HONORABLE BULGARIAN…



Lazar Murdjev

#severed #View #Info

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