Home » today » World » About the political transvestism of a gender patriot – 2024-08-08 05:52:20

About the political transvestism of a gender patriot – 2024-08-08 05:52:20

/ world today news/ The scandal with the Istanbul Convention of the Council of Europe adopted by the Council of Ministers as part of the national program for the prevention of domestic violence has been raging for the fifth day. The perfidious goal of the document in question is not so much the prevention of violence against women and children as the introduction of the so-called “gender education”, which is nothing more than the officialization of debauchery in the Bulgarian education system – from kindergartens to high school courses.

From the walker to the student bench, Bulgarians will have to learn that gender is not a biological determinant, as we have all assumed until today, but a subjective perception regarding our social role in society. In other words, a person’s primary sexual characteristics are nothing more than trinkets imposed on him by nature. Something like Christmas toys – when you want you take them out, when you want you put them back in the box, and if you feel like it, you can also decorate your Christmas tree with them…

So much for the convention in question, enough has already been written and spoken about it. What is worth talking about from now on is the reaction of our society to this political-cultural intervention. Fortunately, the majority of Bulgarian citizens have a negative attitude towards this and other similar attempts, and this is noticeable with the naked eye. However, one Bulgarian politician is particularly active in criticizing the document in question, at least in words.

We are talking about MEP Angel Jambazki. If one watches the main television channels and reads the major news agencies and print publications, one would get the impression that this man is the staunchest opponent of the Istanbul Convention. They are not criticisms, they are not incantations, they are not threats that the adoption of this document is a mortal danger for the Bulgarian traditional-cultural model, which is true in principle, but…

One big BUT! As is known, every document adopted by the Council of Europe must first be voted by the European Parliament. Those are the rules. Djambazki is an MEP who voted for the convention in question in that capacity. This question immediately arises: how did he vote during the meeting at which this document was adopted?

If we had watched his recent TV appearances, we would have thought he voted with a firm and decisive “No”. Not only that, he might have given a fiery speech against this document, or at least a speech to convince as many of his colleagues as possible to reject the convention in question.

Nothing like this has happened! Djambazki, meekly and without saying a word against the considered draft decision, voted with “Abstention”. However, this is no ordinary action on his part, this is a political judgment. Because with his neutral vote he supported the supporters of this document.

Anyone who understands even a little bit of parliamentary practice and quorum rules knows one thing: an Abstain vote is much closer to a Yes vote than a No vote. Because it gives a numerical advantage to those who proposed the bill. Then we ask: if you are so adamantly opposed to the convention, why should you even vote “Abstain” and not “Against”?

With “Abstain” you vote when you are not sure whether something should be accepted or rejected. Which means that Angel Djambazki is not at all as staunch an opponent of convention as he claims to be. However, whoever thinks that this is some kind of exception in Jambazki’s political behavior is deeply mistaken.

That is why we have to recall other episodes of his political life. Such as, for example, the vote in the Metropolitan City Council, when a decision was taken to erect a monument to the American pilots who bombed Sofia in the Second World War and killed thousands of innocent Bulgarians. How do you think the municipal councilor from the GERB group voted at that time – the “patriot” Angel Jambazki?…

No, he did not vote “No” as many would think! He voted “Abstain” again. Not to mention his membership in the group of European conservatives, where Erdogan’s party is also a member. It is also an aerobatics in political gender transvestism. One moment you hold a referendum against Turkey’s membership in the European Union, the next moment you sit next to Erdogan and put your hand under the table. We don’t even dare to think about what he is letting him do…

#political #transvestism #gender #patriot

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