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About the main error about coronavirus that all doctors make: a_nalgin – LiveJournal

Photo © Reuters.

You cannot see this without emotion.

This is not just an episode from the life of the intensive care unit. There is a dramatic scene where a timid hope fights with a rolling despair and, unfortunately, loses. Because there is no hope: the doctors called on the relatives of the dying patient so that they could say goodbye to her. Because then, after a few minutes, it will be disconnected from the ventilator, because there is no chance of defeating the disease.

Another example of # coronavirus being stronger than modern medicine and the human body. One of half a million similar in recent months.

Why is this possible?

It will not be known exactly yet. But one thing becomes clear now. CoVID-19 is very large mistake. And it is not that the infection was initially underestimated even by professionals. Here # the mistake is fundamentally and qualitatively different.

Its essence is that physicians treated coronavirus infection as normal, albeit burdened respiratory disease. And she, as it turned out, affects the respiratory system only indirectly.

“We thought it was only a respiratory virus. It turns out that lung damage occurs after the pancreas. After heart damage. After disorders in the liver, brain, kidneys and other organs. We didn’t appreciate it at first, ”lamented the director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in La Jolla, California, a cardiologist by profession.

in general, it now appears that, in addition to respiratory failure, patients with COVID-19 may have clotting disorders that can lead to strokes, as well as severe inflammation that affects several organ systems. The virus can also cause neurological complications that range from headaches, dizziness, and loss of taste or smell to seizures and confusion. What is unprecedented in coronavirus is the degree of complications that arise out of the lungs.

And the recovery of the recovered can be long, very long. According to preliminary estimates, every day spent in a hospital with a diagnosis of CoVID-19 can result in a minimum of a week of subsequent rehabilitation. Moreover, even those who did not require hospitalization can still have negative symptoms for a long time – fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, decreased concentration of attention, etc. This will be an additional burden both for the recovered and the medical system.

Perhaps such a feature of coronavirus is associated with the fact that it uses specific receptors to penetrate the cell, which are involved in the regulation of vascular tone and, accordingly, blood pressure. It is also possible that other features of its distribution throughout the body are affected. Modern medical science # so far only reveals new puzzles of SARS-CoV-2, but is not yet able to give answers to them …

And it’s interesting, but what will win in the end as a result of people – the desire to live the same life, no matter what, reckoning, or reasonable caution + increased security measures at the individual level?

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