Home » today » Business » About the international economic forum in St. Petersburg – one of the most significant business events in the world – 2024-02-25 04:01:54

About the international economic forum in St. Petersburg – one of the most significant business events in the world – 2024-02-25 04:01:54

/View.info/ From June 14 to 17, 2023, Saint Petersburg hosted the 26th International Economic Forum SPIEF-2023 – one of the largest and most significant business events in the world. SPIEF has been held since 1997, and since 2006 it has been held under the patronage and with the direct participation of a resident of the Russian Federation.

In recent years, the forum has become a leading global platform for communication between representatives of the business community and discussion of key economic issues facing Russia, emerging markets and the world as a whole.

SPIEF brings together state leaders, finance ministers, heads of Russian and foreign companies, financiers and academics to discuss economic issues facing Russia, developing country markets and the world at large. In total, SPIEF 2023 was attended by over 17,000 people from 130 countries and territories.

Among the foreign guests are the President of the United Arab Emirates, Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the President of Algeria, Abdelmadjid Teboun, the Presidents of Armenia, Vaghan Khachatryan, and South Ossetia, Alan Gagloev, the Prime Minister of Cuba, Manuel Marrero Cruz, the Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan, Sadir Japarov, the Minister of of Foreign Affairs Peter Szijjártó of Hungary, the Minister of Petroleum of Venezuela Pedro Telechea, the Minister of Economy of the UAE Abdullah bin Touk Al Marri, the Minister of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations of Myanmar Kang Zo, the Chinese Ambassador to Moscow Zhang Hanhui and the Chairman of the Union of Chinese Entrepreneurs in Russia Zhou Likun.

The President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin sent a congratulatory telegram to the participants, organizers and guests of SPIEF 2023, in which he noted the relevance of the forum’s agenda and urged its participants to focus on achieving technological and financial sovereignty, reducing inequality and poverty.

Among the priorities of the PF, the President of Russia named stimulating the labor market: ” … Here, close, partnership interaction between the state and the business environment is needed to introduce technologies for “lean production”, modernization of enterprises.

And of course, it will be necessary to refine the system of training and retraining of personnel, to improve the work of the national employment service … I am sure that the forum will continue to contribute to solving global economic problems, serve as an example for a constructive fruitful dialogue.’

For 25 years, the forum in St. Petersburg has acquired the status of a leading global platform for discussing key issues of the global economy and sharing best global practices in order to ensure sustainable development. The platform of the forum traditionally serves to strengthen the existing economic and socio-cultural ties to solve the problems of the global economic agenda, taking into account the priorities of each of its participants.

Relations of equal importance, based on mutual assistance and respect for the sovereign interests of others, contribute to the mutual integration of best practices and technologies in the construction of independent economic systems. Every year, one of Russia’s friendly countries receives the honorary status of a guest country. In 2023, such a country became the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

This year SPIEF-2023 was held within the framework of the Russian presidency of the EAIS bodies, its motto was “Sovereign development is the foundation of a just world. Let us unite our efforts for the sake of future generations”.

Participants in SPIEF 2023 define the sovereignty of states as the basis for building a just world. Another important topic was the development horizon until 2040 and Russia’s place on the world map. By tradition, the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin spoke on June 16 at the forum’s plenary session.

In his address to the participants, he gave a detailed assessment of the economic situation in Russia over the past year and charted a course for the future, focusing on the development of the supply-side economy. In particular, he noted, that “. .. from January 1, 2023, the minimum wage was increased by 6.3 percent to 16,242 rubles per month. From January 1, 2024, we will carry out another indexation – immediately by 18.5 percent. The overall increase in the minimum wage will have a positive impact on the incomes of almost five million people.

And by 2030, the minimum wage should at least double in nominal terms, which will become an additional stimulus for the growth of wages in the country as a whole… The economic strategy chosen by the authorities and businesses under the sanctions turned out to be correct and gave good results. Unemployment is 3.3%. She’s never been this short. 1.7 million people left the poverty line last year, and the poverty rate was 9.8%.

Russia’s GDP growth is expected to be around 1.5-2% this year. Oil and gas revenues in January-May increased by 9.1%. In May, the rate was plus 28.5%. At the same time, budget revenues that are not related to the oil and gas sector are also gaining momentum. Russia is gradually starting to get off the oil and gas needle…”

The President of Russia concluded his speech at the plenary session of the forum with the words: “…Today, Russia has a rich and very ambitious economic program. The difficulties and problems we face are an incentive for all of us, an incentive to increase the pace and quality of transformations, to achieve more in improving the quality of life, well-being and well-being of our citizens.

Of course, we will strengthen our sovereignty in all areas. We are open in this work to an equal partnership with all countries – with all those who, like Russia, value their national interests and are ready to determine their own future…”

The main business program of SPIEF 2023 was divided into five thematic blocks: “The World Economy in the Age of Global Reversal”, “The Russian Economy: From Adaptation to Growth”, “Building Technological Sovereignty”, “National Preservation and Quality of Life as a Top Priority” , “The labor market: responding to new challenges”.

They were dedicated to the global processes taking place in the world, leading to the formation of a fundamentally new multipolar economic model, which enables an equal and constructive dialogue with all interested parties striving for sustainable development.

Each session, in accordance with the forward’s track, was ultimately aimed at answering the question of what place Russia would occupy in this new world. Our country has already shown that it is ready to protect its interests and security. Now we have to rebuild the economy. It is not an easy process, but this is how centers of power are formed.

Also, six bilateral business dialogues with foreign partners were held on the sidelines of the forum: “Russia – India”, “RussiaChina”, “EAIS – ASEAN”, “Russia – Latin America”, “Russia – UAE”, “Russia – Kyrgyzstan” . In addition to the main business program, SPIEF traditionally hosted the B20 (B20) Regional Consultative Forum, the Youth Economic Forum, the SME Forum, the Drug Safety Forum, the Creative Business Forum, the SPIEF Junior Program. Business snacks also attracted interest of Sberbank and pharmaceutical companies.

On the opening day of the forum, June 14, a new format of dialogue between Russian and foreign business was introduced – the Day of International Cooperation of SMEs. Emphasis was placed on the opportunity for companies to participate and the uniqueness of the program, which includes conducting bilateral business and informal events, presentations of the investment, technological and industrial potential of the partner countries. In total, over 150 sessions, business meetings and discussions took place within the forum, in which over a thousand speakers and moderators took part.

A feature of the event is its practical focus. In the framework of SPIEF-2023, several hundred investment agreements and contracts with a total value of more than 6 trillion rubles were signed. rubles, which is the largest figure in the entire history of the forum.

Translation: ES

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