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About the influence – Invisible dog

It would be sad if we all had the same opinion, especially in such dark darkness as the wolf in Ukraine. Mj unequivocal, I went out of here many times, Putin baked the Rubicon and launched a wolf in Europe, and the consequences for him, Russia and Europe are in sight. A key counter-argument with a plea of ​​guilt, represented by Vclav Klaus in particular. According to this view, the crash approached Russia without respect, ignored its security concerns, and drove it closer to the territory by bringing NATO alliances into its territory.

The argument is certainly worth the weight, however much I think it is, who crossed the border and who operates on the ground of another state. The American newspaper Erik Best, who works for us, also participates in the debate and runs a great page of Final Word, in English and Czech. Definitely not a bad deal, empathy in Russia sometimes shows and hurts, the tanks with the lane in front of the bar did not drive him, I do. As a contribution to the discussion, he published and published on his website the position of the political scientist Robert Kagan, published in the super-important journal Foreign Affairs. Kagan (manel of the US Secretary of State Nulan), here (in Mr. Best):

The Russians believe that they have a natural, geographical and historical interest in the sphere of influence in the entrance Europe, because they have had it for the last few centuries. And many think of the entrance Asia they once ruled. But even Amerians understood that claiming a sphere of influence is something else, they didn’t have it …

After the cold, the wolves Putin and gave the Rusov mon wanted the Fall of Moscow to acknowledge the economic sphere in Europe, but such a sphere simply did not erase the real balance of power after the collapse of the Soviet Union …

However, some Western analysts have claimed after the end of the Cold Wolves, and today they say that Washington and Western Europe should have given way to Russian demand. If Moscow could not enforce the sphere, on behalf of Zpad agree? On the foundation of fruity? Justice? Justice has nothing to do with justice, and even if they did, surrendering Polk and other Eastern Europeans to Moscow would be dubious justice. They know how it is to be under Moscow’s rule – loss of independence, established leaders willing to follow the instructions of the Kremlin, suppression of personal freedoms. They would only be allowed to return to the Russian realm if they were forced to do so by a combination of Russian pressure and a decline in the Indifference of the Fall.

Indeed, even if the United States vetoed the accession of Poland and other countries to NATO, as some had suggested at the time, the Baltics, Ei, Maai, and Poles would do their utmost to integrate into the transatlantic community in any other way. They would try to get involved in the global economy, join other international institutions controlled by the Fall, and gain any commitment to their security – what would surely make Moscow more difficult. As soon as Putin began to cut pieces of Ukraine (without the control of Ukraine, he would not be able to restore the two power status of Russia), the Poles and they would start beating NATO. The United States and its allies are unlikely to continue to insist.

Yes, this is also my opinion. Influence is determined primarily by economic performance and then follows respect and sympathy. Unfortunately, Russia can’t make a booth and it’s a gas station that looks like a stt. And I’m an atomic bomb (stolen by peons in America). That’s what it’s all about.



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