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About the debates about Slavic writing, Bulgarian education and culture – 2024-09-23 02:18:17

/View.info/ “…heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. You have received for free, give for free…”
Matt. 10:8

On the occasion of the many divergent opinions incl. from representatives of the academic community entitled with one or other titles, including comments from readers under publications motivated by ideological and political biases, here we apply the Praise of the Bulgarian scientist, founder of the Ohrid Literary School, first bishop to preach in the Old Bulgarian language, confirmed with his activity the cult established under Tsar Boris I to the silverless saints Kliment Ohridski for Constantine-Kyril the Philosopher.


Christ lovers,
Behold, the luminous memory of our Blessed Father Cyril, the new apostle and teacher of all countries, has risen for us.

With his piety and beauty he rose upon the earth like the sun, enlightening the whole world by the dawn of the triune God. God’s wisdom built a temple in his heart, and on his tongue like a cherub rested the Holy Spirit, who always distributes gifts according to the power of faith, as the Apostle Paul said: “Grace is given to each of us according to the measure of the gift of Christ” (Eph. 4:7). Hasn’t God said: “Whoever loves me, I will love him, and I will reveal myself to him (John 14:21); I will make my home in him, and he will be my son, and I will be his father” (John 14:23).

Seeking such a fatherland, this blessed father and our teacher left all the beauty of this life, fame, home and wealth, father and mother, brothers and sisters. Even from his youth he was as pure as an angel, always turning aside and shunning the pleasures of life, spending his time always in singing psalms and hymns, and in spiritual instruction, following only that way which ascends to heaven. And therefore God’s grace poured into his mouth, as the wise Solomon said: “On the lips of the wise is knowledge (according to Prov. 16:7), and on his tongue he brings law and mercy” (Prov. 3:16). By this our teacher closed the slanderous mouths of the heretics.

When the heresy arose during the time of the iconoclast Theophilus, for many years the holy icons were persecuted, destroyed and disrespected. And under the pious king Michael, the Orthodox, calling a council, sent Cyril against these heretics, and he destroyed all their malice as with fire through his spiritual power. [А водач на тази ерес беше патриарх Аний, когото православните изобличиха и изгониха от престола. Ето такъв беше този учител.] As soon as he heard somewhere some blasphemy against the divine image, he flew like a winged one in all directions, with clear words dispelled all delusions and taught the right faith. He was completing what was left unfinished by the apostle Paul, flying like an eagle in all directions – from east to west and from north to south.

Among the Khazars and the Saracens, he found himself in the councils for the sake of the holy faith, shone like the sun with three bright dawns, and scattered all their idle talk.

Among the Fulani people, however, he destroyed impious deception [— почитането на едно дърво-оброчище, което се наричаше Александър, на което се покланяха като на бог, правейки жертвоприношения. Този блажен отец го изкорени. Озарен от троичната безначална светлина, той просвети Христовите люде и ги научи на правилната вяра]; and abode the triune beginningless light.

By the mercy and humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ, he became a shepherd and teacher of the Slavic people, who were drowning in ignorance and sinful darkness. And [както Даниил затвори устата на лъвовете]he shut the mouths of the wolves, the trilingual heretics, [които, помрачени от завист, казваха: “Не е достойно Бог да бъде прославян на друг език, освен на еврейски, на латински и на гръцки”. Поради злобата си те станаха съучастници на Пилат. С ясни доказателства той разори техните заблуди, възпламенен от силата на Светия Дух]. He, according to the prophecy, make plain the tongue of the wretched (Is. 32:4) and with books he guided everyone on the path of salvation. [Като преведе църковния устав от гръцки на славянски език, той отиде в Рим, водейки към съвършенство избраното си стадо. С радост той завърши житейския си път]. May the Lord God grant that his venerable body may rest in Rome.

When we count his exploits, labors, and travels, to no one else can we bestow such praise. And indeed, though he later lamented, he surpassed them all. And just as the dawn, which rises later, illuminates with its brilliance the entire starry face, scattering light with its solar dawns, so this most blessed father and teacher of our people, shining more than the sun through the dawns of the Holy Trinity, enlightened countless people , who was wallowing in the darkness of ignorance. What place has remained hidden that he has not illuminated by his steps? What art remained hidden to his blessed soul? He announced to all nations the hidden secrets in accessible verbal expressions, explaining them clearly: to some – through writings, and to others – through preaching, because God’s grace had been poured into his mouth (according to Ps. 44:3). And for this God blessed him forever.

But what mouth can express the sweetness of his teaching? What language can tell of the exploits, labors, and goodness of his life? The Lord made this mouth brighter than the light, which enlightened those darkened by sinful deception. His tongue poured out sweet and life-giving words. His pure lips flourished [като цвят] through wisdom. His holy fingers created spiritual organs and decorated them with golden letters. Through this God-speaking mouth those who thirst for the divine reason have been watered. Through it many have enjoyed themselves by taking life-giving food. Through her, God enriched many peoples with the knowledge of God, and above all, he crowned the multi-tribal Slavic people with a crown woven by God: for it was for him that this [нов] an apostle. And so, from this mouth gushed a fountain of living words, which watered our parched dryness; and by singing the blasphemous language of the heretics was connected.

And so this venerable mouth appeared as some seraphim, glorifying God, and through it we knew the triune God, essentially one, but divisible by attributes and names and equally glorified—the eternally existing Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Therefore, oh most blessed Father Cyril, I bless your lips, from which spiritual sweetness poured out for my lips.

I praise your many-voiced tongue, through which the dawn of the triune beginningless God, having dawned for my people, dispelled the darkness of sin.

I adore your very bright face, illuminated by the Holy Spirit, through which the light of the knowledge of God dawned on my face, and polytheistic error was rooted out.

I adore your golden eyes, through which the blindness of ignorance was removed from my eyes and the light of God-knowledge shone forth.

I bless your angelic pupils, illuminated by the divine glory, who enlightened me with divinely inspired words after removing my heart blindness.

I bless your honorable hands, through which the rain cloud of God-knowledge descended upon my people, which watered our hearts, burnt by sinful drought, with dew flowing from God.

I bless your God-moved fingers, through which freedom from the yoke of sin was written for my people.

I bless your golden womb, from which life-giving water flowed for my people, descending from above through your prayers.

I bless your luminous feet, with which you quickly went around the whole world like the sun, preaching the divinely inspired teaching.

I bless your gold-digging steps, by which you have guided our erring steps on the right path.

I bless your most holy soul, through which the sinful wounds of my soul were healed and reason was planted in our hearts through your spiritual words.

I bless your God-moved fingers, through which the wisdom of God, hidden to many, was written and which revealed the secrets of the knowledge of God.

I bless your venerable church, in which rests your very wise and godly body.

Blessed is the city that has received the third executor of God’s providence. And indeed this blessed one appeared to complete the unfinished of the two supreme luminaries. And therefore the Lord God decreed that he should receive a holy rest with them. He died in peace in the Lord in the year 6377 (=869) from the creation of the whole world, on the fourteenth day of the month of February. And having finished all the offices and labors, he joined all the holy fathers because of his life and his faith. He became with the angels as an angel, with the apostles an apostle, with the prophets a prophet, a sharer in the glory of God together with all the saints.

Reverend teacher, together with them pray for us who celebrate your glorious death for the glory of the Holy Trinity – of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit – now and ever and forever. Amen!

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