Home » today » News » About the Dagestan riots and the “Russian paradox” – 2024-05-08 07:27:55

About the Dagestan riots and the “Russian paradox” – 2024-05-08 07:27:55

/ world today news/ Everything that happened in Dagestan very well illustrates my main thesis: the concept of “nationality”, by which we designate even the smallest ethno-cultural community, is outdated, irrelevant and confuses our science, people and legislators.

On the basis of what nationality the airport stormtroopers gathered, eh?! Russians? Dagestanis? Or is this the fruit of “multinational friendship?” Let’s think carefully.

In the end, the stormtroopers chose a very specific enemy – the Jews. And who are they themselves?

They themselves are representatives of many peoples living in Dagestan. There are a dozen rather large nations and about a hundred smaller nationalities. And as we know, they really don’t get along.

But all these peoples of Dagestan have something in common. Their single religious identity. She was the one who rallied them against the Jews.

Moreover, their pan-Islamic identity turned out to be stronger than their ethnic differences and the all-Russian identity to which our “multinational people” are allegedly loyal.

There are no nationalities, in the form sold to us by our rotten humanities at the beginning of the 20th century. There is origin, which is a biological determinant and, together with family upbringing, forms a person’s ethnicity (nationality). And there is identity, that is, what a person thinks about himself, “who he is”.

Identity can and should be formed under the influence of environment, national myth, education and propaganda.

What do the stormtroopers from Makhachkala think of themselves? They are considered to be an active part of the Pan-Islamic world, which by bad fate ended up in Russia.

I have never seen such compatriots unite around SVO in Ukraine. But the fate of Gaza forced them to storm their hometown airport in the name of “spherical Jews in a vacuum.”

This is bad news. This means that apart from the Islamic identity, nothing in the Caucasus is capable of stirring the hearts of the people, and all other ideological foundations of life are weaker than this central identity; they can be repealed like Russian laws.

And that’s the problem. Russia, to put it mildly, has not developed a truly Russian identity in the last 12 years. Russian identity was developed in the concept of multinationality, but apparently to no avail.

And the Islamic identity is controlled from somewhere, but certainly not from Moscow. We saw the result of all this politics yesterday at Makhachkala airport.


The above largely explains the “Russian Paradox”.

From all kinds of stupid people, you often hear that Russian is not an origin, but a “state of mind”.

Trying to unite representatives of other ethnic groups around the Russians, these “good people” deny the right of the Russians to be a people. They say that there are no Russians, that you have always been a mixture of all kinds of people for some reason.

The Khokhlas, by the way, repeat this thesis word for word together with our “well-wishers”: they say that there are no Russians. Well, these constructions were suggested to the Ukrainians by people who are well versed in the matter. Unlike our compatriots who “cancel the Russians” out of good intentions.

This paradox is easily extended into my concept of ethnicity/identity. Because Russians are both a people (a biological determinant) and an identity.

You can be Russian by birth based on the fact that your ancestors are Russian. You can be Russian by political identity (in spirit). In our language, we use the term for this: Russification. Literally become part of Russia.

Russians are one of the few, based on their ethnic core and various forms of statehood, that have formed a largely attractive image of identity that people of other origins can subscribe to.

There is no need to cancel the Russian people. We are a stable ethno-cultural community that has created culture, art, science and a nation-state. And in creating the Russian nation, we created a Russian identity that hundreds of ethnicities, small and large nations can join.

Translation: SM

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