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About teeth, their pain and related diseases.. 5 facts that you should never ignore

As science and medical practice advance, facts about what goes on in our bodies correct common ideas we think are true, and then science discovers that they are just perceptions.

newspaper The New York Times I posted a report on some of the things you should know when it comes to your dental health and they are:

Regular visits

The American Dental Association advises not to postpone regular visits to the dentist thinking that they are unnecessary as long as you do not feel pain. “A lot of people see the absence of pain as an indication that there is no problem,” says Tricia Quartey-Sagel, a spokeswoman for the association, but there may be, for example, gingivitis without pain. The association does not recommend a specific number of visits annually, but the doctor should be visited once or twice, and perhaps more than that, depending on each case

Do not neglect bleeding gums

If you have not used floss to clean your teeth for a long time, of course some bleeding will occur when you do that after a period of stopping, but if you have been suffering from a bleeding problem for a while, you should consult a doctor. Pernima Kumar, chair of the Department of Periodontology and Oral Medicine at the University of Michigan Dental School, also recommends using an “interdental brush” for people who have gaps between their teeth.

Charcoal teeth whitening

There is a tendency to whiten teeth with charcoal, but a study published in 2017 in the Journal of the American Dental Association concluded that it may not be useful, but can cause hypersensitivity to the teeth, and charcoal particles may settle in the pockets of the gums, causing damage and discoloration.

An electric toothbrush is not necessary

Electric brushing is not necessary, but may lead to receding gums, and all you have to do is brush your teeth twice a day with regular brushing at an angle of 45 degrees against the gums for two minutes. According to the association.

The health of your teeth is linked to the health of your body

Dental health affects other areas of the body. Nizar Al-Habashi, of the Kornberg School of Dentistry at Temple University, believes that gum disease may contribute to the occurrence of diseases such as diabetes, some cancers, and cardiovascular diseases, and says that maintaining oral health reduces the risk of these diseases. Diabetics who treat their gum disease may be able to lower their blood sugar over time, according to the US government’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

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