Home » today » News » About six million people have received at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

About six million people have received at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

stay in their posts rather thanthose of the private sector, dueto the good benefits., great news, considerthe health authorities of newyorkque about 6,000,000 ofnew york and they already received us atminus the first dose of thecoronavirus vaccine.the vaccination rate amonglatinos from the big applenow it is higher than that of thewhite new yorkers,have received at least one doseof the injection.while the whitesthey reach 54%.the challenge continues and grows withthe third dose, sowe talked to Maya Angelasoto, promoting product ofnew city healthDirector, what does this meanachievement for the city and whatit worked so manypeople will be vaccinated.>> this is such an achievementcelebrate, many have workedthings, like working withour organizations, sendmessages like these forour community telling themwhat is so urgent and what is soimportant is to get the vaccineagainst covid19.hope: cal is nexthappened then?>> extends both forcommunities this in the meantimewhen are you ready forput on the reinforcement of thepfizer vaccine.when was the authorizationto put on the reinforcement ofmodern and johnson’s vaccine& johnson, esén vigentes parathis information soimportant, for us to continueprotecting us against thiscovid19.hope: the city preparesa great campaign so thatpeople qualify for thethird dose can do it,can you tell us about thisBell?>> this campaign was carried out inhow much was the authorizedpfizer vaccine for thisreinforcement.we are ready for whenwas the authorization for thea modern and pfizer vaccine.we have the supply to giveto the new york inna communitythis reinforcement.we also already have thecenter infrastructuremedical, pharmaceutical centersor from pharmacies.also, all the places ofvaccination of the department ofnew york health for allperson that she canput on the reinforcement of thevaccines.hope: greater every time forthat people get vaccinated so much thefirst as the second dose,they will follow these incentivesfor people to followbeing emptied and also for thethird dose?>> an incentive for the thirddose or for booster do notwe have, but we continue with himincentive for people whohave not been vaccinated and needyour first vaccination. for thosepeople we have the incentive andwe have the $ 100 incentivefor the people who are going toreceive the first dose of

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