Home » today » News » About fifteen Basque business leaders have launched a network of solidarity to discuss, help and support each other in their various responsibilities….

About fifteen Basque business leaders have launched a network of solidarity to discuss, help and support each other in their various responsibilities….

The national movement, Bouge ta box, was born in Rennes in 2016. It is already in good health with nearly 1,700 members in around a hundred cities.

The concept is simple: allow the members, the “bougeuses”, to gain visibility, skills and leadership, while developing a wide network with other entrepreneurs.

The first branch of the Adour basin was installed in Bayonne-Anglet, thanks to the initiative of Marguerite Demoures.

« I met Marie Eloy and Julie Bodin, in Bordeaux, on the occasion of the Tour de France de Bouge ta Boîte. I believe that I will never forget this moment because the conference was such an inspiration and a revelation for me. I had no choice but to step out of my comfort zone and go for it. This is what I needed, a circle of women business leaders who not only provide business, but also share their skills in a benevolent environment. “. A post on Linkedin later, and the machine was on.

Today, they are 16 to be part of this group in Bayonne and Anglet, and to meet regularly. Meetings are thus organized, under the leadership of a booster, elected by her peers.

Bouge’up are the most frequent. Twice a month, all the bougeuses get together for a good hour and a half to discuss, pitch, brainstorm on their entrepreneurial issues, express their needs, or simply talk about their profession.

Workshops are also offered each month by a different bougeuse. They make it possible to present a profession and the skills of the members: a very enriching formula for the participants. Duets are also set up, in a calmer atmosphere: two bougeuses meet to exchange.

The movement also relies on an internal social network, making it possible to contact another bougeuse at any time, to exchange messages, etc. Finally, those who wish can be supported in the creation of a personalized website.

Laëtita Pons, booster of the Bayonne-Anglet branch since the beginning of January, believes that this is a positive step for all. ” It is a very relevant support and support network. There are so many different professions among the wanderers that there is an exceptional range of skills to be found. Participating allows us to enrich ourselves personally, and above all, to open up new avenues of reflection for our activities. », Says this speech therapist who recently joined the movement.

« I arrived from the Bassin d’Arcachon last September. I was then in a group practice. When I moved to the Basque Country, I found myself in my own practice, alone. Joining Bouge ta Boîte also allowed me to get to know the world, both for my professional and personal life. ».

« We all know each other, we work a lot together. This approach really makes it possible to break with the isolation of the business manager. This brings us activity, personal and professional enrichment, but also and above all a strong sense of solidarity. », Concludes Manuela Dizier Chanfreau, who wanted to develop her second activity locally by joining the Bouge ta Boîte circle.

After the installation of a first branch in Bayonne-Anglet, other initiatives should flourish in the Adour Gascogne basin: around Pau and Tarbes, in the Landes and even in the Basque Country. Indeed, beyond 25 bougeuses, a new circle must be created to maintain maximum efficiency.

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