Home » today » World » About experiments in history – View Info – 2024-10-04 16:40:20

About experiments in history – View Info – 2024-10-04 16:40:20

/ world today news/ Europe’s latest experiment is the creation and efforts to strengthen, develop and improve the European Union. In such a way, as if the European idea could find an acceptable realization.

If we take any large-scale state policy model or foreign policy dominance as an experiment, we will see how many have ended in complete fiasco. The question also arises: Is everything in history an experiment? The great empires of ancient and modern times have also perished and are mere moments from the end of time. Even Hitler promised the Germans not an eternal, but “only” thousand-year empire. The last three experiments lasted about 70 years – Austria-Hungary, USSR, Yugoslavia. The European idea is very tempting and it also notes force options for its realization, as is the case with Napoleon Bonaparte and others. Now, for the first time, peoples and countries are joining the European Union voluntarily and of their own accord, guided by their dreams, desires and efforts to achieve the cherished goal.

Regardless of the demonstrative confidence and optimism of European leaders, however, the intelligent reader and observer cannot help but notice several disturbing circumstances or question marks. First. This is the question for the participants. The normal aspiration would be for all European countries to be included in the Union. But the large and powerful Russian Federation not only shows no desire, but even enters opposing situations. The other post-imperial peripheral power is Britain, which is a reluctant participant and has interests in other continents and the Commonwealth of Nations. The procedure for the entry of the countries into the European Union is presented as a competition with application, and the applicants must meet strict and high requirements, consistent with the status quo of the developed European countries. This automatically places the new members in unequal and different positions. The second problem is seen in the historical and objectively unequal economic development, a trend that has been visible for centuries. Hence the conclusion that the absolute leveling of the various countries is utopian and impossible. Therefore, it is not by chance that several circles of countries were formed in the European Union system, located at different levels of economic development, different living standards of their citizens and characterized by other specificities. It goes without saying that it is unlikely that the countries of Southern Europe will reach and equalize with super-economic powers such as Germany and others. This also determines the different levels of living standards. In fact, it is not difficult to see the most important question: Shouldn’t similar mutual aid and concessions also cover the economic and financial spheres, just as the various member states make concessions on their state sovereignty and in various other aspects for the sake of the common goal? Otherwise, the old state and corporate interests will be superimposed in the European Union system, which renders its declared role meaningless. Just as there were superpowers or great powers in the former political system of Europe, signs of something similar are visible now. It is no secret that, despite the declared equality, several powerful European state entities direct its functions. Only individual countries such as Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and Greece are trying to be bolder in expressing their opinions and defending their interests. But their behavior is motivated above all by their national interests, not on behalf of any group community. Opponents of such a proposal will probably say that there is a risk of multiplying the Greek case, but isn’t that creating a vicious circle? There is clearly talk of opposition between the North and the South of Europe, and the Eastern opponents of the Union emphasize that the most backward zone of Europe includes the Eastern and South-Eastern countries with an Eastern Orthodox religious affiliation. In all probability, Europeans should unburden themselves of overly romantic dreams and perceive the European Union with its virtues and weaknesses.

One of the visible achievements is the fall of borders, the common currency, opportunities for labor and student migration. To a large extent, this is predetermined by the aging of the population of the Central European and Western countries and the shortage of manpower, mostly unskilled, for various fields, as well as of young people for the many universities. This predetermines the extremely simplified admission requirements for the latter. The problem is that the process is non-reciprocal. Workers and students emigrate from Southern and Eastern Europe, and from Central and Western Europe to the South and East there is a movement of businessmen and various investments. It is worth noting that these investments, as far as they exist, are primarily aimed at “quick payback” activities such as trade chains, energy systems, tourism. The investments that create qualified jobs in prestigious industries are not significant, which further blows up the balance of professions in the new members of the European Union, as well as in the candidate countries for joining the Union. Here I make an arrangement for Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, which enjoy more special treatment. Thus, as with the old system, large differences in pay and, accordingly, living standards continue. Is the “Napoleon syndrome” not manifesting itself? When in 1806 the emperor of the First French Empire introduced the continental blockade against British goods, he at the same time sought to place French production in privileged positions in continental Europe. The current economic system of the European system is maintained and functions in such a way that practically it not only consolidates the old inherited advantages of the developed countries of Central and Western Europe, but also destroys traditional industries in which the Eastern European countries were quite strong until recently. Not to mention the rural industry, where it came to the glaring paradoxes that the markets of southern and eastern European countries are full of Dutch and Polish tomatoes, etc. !!! It can be seen that the structures of the European Union, which are responsible for the regulation of these productions, do not at all take into account the traditional and natural conditions in the economies of the countries. The citizens of Europe lose from this, as they consume low-quality and even harmful agricultural products. Recent negotiations between the European Union and the United States on the trade relationship are also sending out troubling signals. The wavering, divergent and “consensus” statements of European state and party leaders portend serious concessions on GMO products.

Undoubtedly, one of the great achievements of Europe is its democratic system. It was created as a result of several centuries of struggles and revolutions, demonstrating an extraordinary diversity of democratic systems – from the French Republic to the British Parliamentary Monarchy. One of the most important and universal achievements is equality in political and individual rights, the product of French and American educators, of revolutions in Europe and America, of reforms. Then the idea of ​​equality between people is opposed to the old feudal society of privilege – ie. the interests of the majority against the selfish interests of the insignificant minority of aristocracies and dynasties. Europe and North America are still proud of these achievements. The principles of the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen” of the French Revolution of August 26, 1789, with their universal and individual liberties, have universal meaning and are likely to be valid in the future. But what happens? Recently, European leaders have been experimenting with a new understanding of democracy. It is true that “everything flows” and changes, but the universal principle of equality should not be violated. European political leaders are now experimenting and enforcing, probably despite the internal dissatisfaction of many European politicians and leaders, the idea of ​​emphasizing the singular and exceptions as objectively placing themselves in a privileged position and marginalizing the interests of the majority and the typical. Examples of this are numerous. The old principle of the so-called Atlantic democracy is literally turned upside down as the interests of the exceptions and minorities are apparently practically made more important than the rights of the majority by civil society. Loud propaganda is conducted in this direction and the authors of other theses are fiercely accused. Surely some of the initiators of this strategy are sincerely trying to improve the social situation of some marginal factors, but the thesis is theoretically and practically wrong. The correct and constitutionally legal thing is to maintain equality in the rights of all members of society.

The discussion question about the future of European civilization is very important. It is known what are the characteristic features and characteristics of societies in different continents, as each of them demonstrates certain achievements in economic, religious and cultural terms. Europe has established itself as a continent, home of the democratic system and stronghold of Christian civilization. In the modern world of globalization, however, not only achievements from different parts of the world but also competing factors are intertwined. As is well known, quite a few countries and societies from the Orient adopt European and American technologies, but not the way of life and the principles of Atlantic democracy. It is curious that Europe, as a leading continent in the field of democratic theories and practices, provides excellent conditions for lateral influences of a very different nature. Will this practice not lead to changes in the essence of European civilization? This is the big question that will increasingly face European society. Europe is experimenting with innovations in connections and relations with the continents and in particular with the states and societies of other civilizations, for which reciprocity is lacking in many places.

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