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About Analytics on the Video Page – Help Center

To use this feature, you must have a paid Vimeo subscription.

The Analytics panel on the Video Settings page shows you the most important analytics of your video over the last 30 days, helping you track performance and see how viewers are interacting with your videos.

How to open the analytics panel

  1. Select your video in the library. This will open the video settings page.
  2. Select the button Analytics at the top of the page.
  3. The Analytics panel will open on the right. To access your full advanced analytics dashboard from the Analytics panel, select Advanced Report.

Overview of the analysis panel

Here’s a breakdown of everything in the Member Analytics Panel Plus, Pro, Business, Premium, Starter, Standard, Advanced et Enterprise :


If your video is an archived live event (Premium, Advanced, or Enterprise), you will see a sectionAnd directly in your video analytics panel. The statistics in this section reflect the audience for your event when the stream was live.

  • Views : The number of times the live video playback was initiated.
  • Audience peaks : The highest number of simultaneous viewers on your stream.
  • Average viewing time : The average length of time a viewer stayed on the live event.
  • Total duration watched : The cumulative duration.


The next section of the analytics panel is Videowhich provides the following data about your video’s audience over the past 30 days:

  • Views: The number of times the video started playing (in the last 30 days).

    • If the video owner is logged in while watching the video, this is not counted as a view.
  • Impressions: The number of times your video has been “loaded” on a Vimeo clip page or website where it is embedded.
  • Display rate: The speed at which a video plays after it loads on a clip page or embedded site.


The next section of the panel is the Engagementwhich is available to members Business, Premium, Advancedet Enterprise.

The metrics in this section allow you to track the performance of various engagement tools on your video, including:

  • Maps

    • Impressions: number of times all cards in your video containing a link were displayed.
    • Clicks: number of times one of the cards in your video containing a link was clicked.
    • Rate: Number of clicks divided by the number of impressions.
  • Call to Action (CTA)

    • Impressions: How many times the CTA end screen was displayed.
    • Clicks: Number of times one of the links in your call-to-action end screen was clicked, with a breakdown of clicks for the primary button and secondary link.
    • Rate: All clicks divided by impressions.
  • Inscription

    • Registered: number of times an email address was submitted.
    • Registration rate: The number of submissions divided by the number of impressions.

Social networks

In the section Social you can get analytics on social performance when the video is published on social media. You will see subsections for each social media platform your video has been published on.


In the section Team available with paid plans, you can learn more about your team’s viewing behavior through the following metrics:

  • Team Spectators: Total number of team members who viewed the video
  • Average % viewed: The amount of a video watched per view by your team members, on average. Calculated by dividing the total time watched by the video duration, averaged across all team member views.

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