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About alarm clocks, plagiarism and pork – 2024-08-08 03:32:56

/View.info/ I have a favorite ad lately – oh yes.
I find it inspiring – especially in these dark times when we are beset by all sorts of troubles.
Soon we may be dealing with “migrants”.

The ad tells us that – oh yes! – “we are proud of ours, but we don’t want our national pride to rest only on our past… we don’t want our best poems to be 100 years old… we want to be proud of our Now, not look back with nostalgia… and, yes, our pigs are not what they used to be – they are better today.’
Now you must have felt the same – because it is no small thing that our pigs are better.
We have the second highest death rate in the world, after the Kingdom of Lesotho – but our pig jobs are better – oh yes!

Subtly and subtly, but at the same time emphatically, the ad becomes a powerful metaphor for the Transition – when almost everything was ruined, however – what luck, oh yes! – our pigs have survived, and they are the best.
Pigs wash the shame from our foreheads, as the Poet hoped on another occasion – not so piggish, of course.

This ad seems to have been created by one of our late anti-communists – as if the illumination of this swine approach to the Past springs from their depths – to put it kindly, because otherwise they thrive in the muddy shallows of the Present.

Oh yeah – we don’t want our best poems to be 100 years old.
However, even in our today’s “poetry” there is a lot of pig stuff.
A month or so ago, Silvia Nedkova exposed a handsome man – by compatibility and a poet – in plagiarism, which is pure pig work. The examples were so clear that even a pig could understand them – and without being the best in the world.
Augustin Gospodinov / otherwise Iliyan Lyubomirov/ managed to blurt out the following verse: “With one woman you can experience a thousand things, but with a thousand – only one”.
It’s not God knows what, some small talk.
However, it turns out that it was quite sloppily compiled by Erich Maria Remarque.
The author of the Arc de Triomphe, the Black Obelisk, etc., wrote: “With one woman you can have a thousand experiences, with a hundred – only a hundred.” Nedkova listed other examples, also convincing enough.

And how did our experiences with our Virgil develop further?
Oh yes – just the recipe for the best pork.
Here is what the sympathetic marauder answered before BNT /quoting from “Telegraph”/:
“I thank Silvia Nedkova, because thanks to what she does, at the moment of the presentation of my collection of poems, the country is full of people. I can sign with both hands, I have always respected copyright and have never knowingly allowed myself to use someone else’s intellectual property without crediting the source. What she says is not true. Given the examples he cites, it’s hard to prove. When it comes to love lyrics, neither the symbols nor the language is new… At the moment, no one can come up with something that no one, ever, anywhere has written. The examples she cites – I’m only now familiar with them. There’s a nice quote that it’s not where you get something from, but how far you take it…”

Oh yeah! – this explanation is a veritable apologia for pork.
You transcribe like the last fool – and cheerfully convince us that it is “hard to prove”.
On top of everything, it turns out that they have to plagiarize in order to fill the halls – and nobody could come up with anything new anymore.

We are done if one of the main precepts of the Transition is also applied to the Poetry: “Steal – and be careful not to get caught”.
In the beginning, it was not the theft itself that was reprehensible, but your exposure.
Then this requirement was dropped, everything was stolen – in the end they stole the Past properly too, turned it into some kind of rag, into some kind of orphan, for whom there is no place even in centers for sheltering the homeless.
What kind of Remarque are you here – scribblers who will not remain in literature at all will devour it without even thinking.
Literary commas have no mercy.

Those days they finally decided to tear down the monument to Starchev near the NDK.
At the same time, the renovation of the Palace began.
And – oh yes, how depraved the collective consciousness is – everyone wonders how much they’re going to steal while fixing it up.
It is clear that the repair will cost as much as its construction.
But how much will they shrink? – this is what Sofia residents are asking, who have already gotten used to the ugly renovation of the space around the National Palace of Culture.
They are aware that the prime ministers in Peroto, for example, are one parliament, Renovation is the most important thing.
And that’s why it will be done by one of our boys, some Mistress of an important person in power.

Ivan Slavkov was a master of witty phrases – he did not need to steal them from somewhere, like Remarque’s copyist.
These days, a friend – the long-time director of Park-Hotel “Moscow” Lyubo Veselinov – remembered one of these phrases.
One evening he met Slavkov in the hotel’s Panorama restaurant and he mentioned to him that he was persuading “grandfather”/Zhivkov to sell the state.
“Otherwise they will steal it, nothing will be left of it,” said Slavkov.
So it happened.

Let’s get back to pork in poetry.
Steal – and you’re ready for a People’s Awakener.
And that’s already there.
This year’s “Alarm Clock of the Year” awards /BNT and radio “FM Plus”/ were very interesting.
We’re told they want to encourage “art that uplifts and awakens” and – oh yeah! – honored as “Wake-up of the year” and Augustin-Plagiata. The message was clear, there’s nothing to overstate it: we live today and now, we don’t care about what’s behind us.
Steal – Gobble – Wake up!

Interesting initiatives were awarded – for example, the festival “Sofia breathes”, “Trap” in Plovdiv, etc.
But also the Mothers for Donation Foundation.
And there they are probably doing useful work – but it is too much to reach Awakening through donation.
Unless you are referring to the case of the “donor” Remarque.

The concept of “alarm clock” is being expanded very lightly.
At the same time, Awakening seems to have to be devoid of criticality in order to be encouraged.
It appears to some people as something useful, but also toothlessly convenient.
And today we don’t need opportunists, but mostly resisters.
For me, one Komarnitsky is the real Awakener – and not only because he twerks from outside and inside Boyko, but also because he encourages the critical thinking of the audience.

Alpinist Boyan Petkov, who was also awarded, said that we should not “grumble” – and that is the most important public effort today, that is what we have left.
Another said that anyone could be an Awakener.
This is how even plagiarism opens up.
And the concept of “Alarm Clock” is conveniently miniaturized.
It is also a way to forget the big caliber people who gave us hope in the past years.
The heroes of Stealth Pass feared them most.

Dyado Dobri from Bailovo was also honored, he was beautifully called the “Awakener of Humility”.
But does the People need humility today – just him?
And right now – when our rulers, without even realizing it, are kicking the skull of our Destiny.

And for the “Mothers for Donation” foundation, they said that with its help we will fight the demographic crisis.
Blaze neither.
There were more pathetic outbursts, this time from the foundation in question: the “New Bulgarian Revival” had already begun, the new Paisius or Sophronius Vrachanski were roaming around the hall.
Oh yeah! – Our Revivals are the best.
Especially the new ones.

/weekend newspaper/
The cartoon above is by Hristo Komarnicki.

#alarm #clocks #plagiarism #pork

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