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About 50 young people make noise at the Furuset – VG

FURUSET: The police moved with several patrols to the Furuset center after reporting that the young people were causing problems.

The Oslo police moved on Monday at 10pm with several patrols to the Furuset center. Among other things, the young men attacked a bus.


– Many young people throw eggs, stones, teeth on the pallets and create a lot of agitation and fear in the area. We are working to keep the situation under control, the police wrote on Twitter.

Chief Operating Officer Gjermund Stokkli informs NTB that there are about 50 young people making noise.

– There are many young people who started hitching a bus at the bus stop in Furuset Senter. When we arrive he is thrown at us. There are many young people who act and are aggressive towards the police, Stokkli tells NTB.

Stokkli tells VG at 10:40 pm that it is still an ongoing situation.

– We are there with a good number of crews and we want to create peace and order. We hope that the young people come to their senses, that they understand that you can’t behave like this, says Stokkli.

The young people are not around fifty in all, but divided into groups of 10 and 15, he says.

According to After post The fireworks are also said to have been fired at the police.

VG has been in contact with Trond Rue, who says he was inside the bus that was attacked.

– The bus had to lock the doors and the driver was afraid they would get on the bus. There were several frightened passengers on the bus, including me. People weren’t allowed out, which they didn’t dare either, says Rue.

He says pallets and eggs were thrown at the bus, which is said to have damaged the driver’s vision.

Rue says there were about 15 passengers on the bus, who should have gone to Furuseth’s school.

Ruter reports his First page on Sunday evening buses 25 and 100 do not serve the Furuset T stop until further notice.

– This is due to the throwing of stones at the buses, writes Ruter.

In an update just before midnight, the police write that the situation has calmed down in Furuset, no one has been arrested or taken inside for now.

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