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Abortion, USA | Doctor who performed 67 abortions in one night:

– I witnessed an enormous teamwork that night.

NEW YORK (Nettavisen): An abortion doctor is now getting attention after he performed as many as 67 abortions the night before the new abortion ban was introduced in Texas.

– Fantastic and incredible setting

A new law that makes it illegal to have an abortion after the sixth week, came into force on September 1 this year in Texas. Later that evening, the Supreme Court immediately refused to block the law, to which President Joe Biden reacted strongly.

The: Biden condemns Supreme Court decision on abortion law in Texas

The magazine Vice has interviewed doctor Jasbir Ahluwalia (83) who works at the Whole Woman’s Health Clinic in Forth Worth, Texas. He tells the magazine that they treated all women who came to clinics on August 31, the day before the ban came into force.

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– None of those who were there that night were concerned with themselves. The staff wanted to take care of the patients, says the doctor to Vice about those who worked at the abortion clinic that evening.

– It was an absolutely fantastic and incredible attitude that I saw for the first time during my 50 years as a general practitioner. They would take care of every single patient, get them in, take away, get it done, get it done. I witnessed an enormous, enormous teamwork that night, says the doctor, who performed 67 abortions that night.

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Biden: – Attacks on women’s rights

President Joe Biden believes the new abortion law is an attack on women’s rights, and the US Department of Justice believes that it is unconstitutional and has filed a lawsuit against the state.

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The Abortion Act, passed by the Texas state legislature, prohibits abortion from the moment it is possible to record the fetal heartbeat, which is usually possible when a woman is six weeks pregnant.

This is before many women are aware that they are pregnant.

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No exceptions for rape or incest

The new law also does not make an exception for rape or incest, and the law is thus the strictest in the United States.

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The new abortion law in Texas differs from other states’ attempts to tighten abortion laws in that it leaves it to individuals to file civil lawsuits against those who either contribute to or have an abortion performed.

This means, for example, that people who drive a woman to an abortion clinic to have an abortion can also be sued for up to 10,000 dollars.

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– The state engages in child abuse

Despite the new law, doctor Jasbir Ahluwalia does not intend to give up. The doctor says he will continue to have abortions, but says that this will be a fraction of what he previously did, because 85 percent of the abortions in Texas took place after six weeks of pregnancy had passed.

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– Today I had an appointment with a 20 year old girl and she was, well, six weeks on the road. I could not help her. We gave her the information that she could leave the state. I felt very sorry for her, says the doctor.

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– I have taken care of 15 and 16-year-olds before who have come in with their parents. And now 15 and 16-year-olds are forced to carry out the pregnancy, because they do not have the resources to leave the state? It’s sad, it’s terribly sad, says the doctor.

– To me, it seems as if the state engages in child abuse, says the 83-year-old.

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– We can call them the Taliban in Texas

It was Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, who signed the law in May. It was appealed to the Supreme Court, but in early September it became clear that the court would not block the new law.

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The abortion doctor Ahluwalia is also furious at those who proposed and who voted for the new law, and compares them to the Taliban.

“Yes, we can call them the Taliban in Texas,” he said.

– They hate women. Tell me, have they ever promoted a law where they say; “Men should not get more than three doses of testosterone a week, or men should not get more than five viagra pills a week. Let’s check it, it’s not good. We should only offer them one pill a month. That’s it.” No, never, never ever, says the doctor.

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Sharp reduction in abortions

The US Department of Justice has now asked the court to declare the law invalid as the ministry believes that it was passed in violation of the US Constitution.

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Meanwhile, major changes are already being seen as a result of the new abortion law in Texas. Melaney Linton, president of the Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, says that in the last ten days after the law came into force, the clinic had 63 patients in for treatment, writes Daily Mail.

This is significantly lower than the around 250 agreements they had during a normal ten-day period before the law came into force.

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