While in the United States il right to abortion is increasingly under attack, theEuropean Union he wants to introduce it into his own Charter of Fundamental Rights. On Thursday in Brussels the European Parliament will vote on a resolution to this effect, alarmed by the revocation of sexual and reproductive health rights in EU countries such as Hungary e Poland.
The appointment comes a few weeks after the historic decision of the Legislative Assembly of Francewhich on March 4 became the first country to enshrine the right to abortion in its Constitution, with an overwhelming majority vote: 780 in favor and 72 against, with yes even from the far right of the National Rassemblement of Marine Le Pen. Four days later the French president Emmanuel Macron relaunched the challenge at continental level, inviting the EU to include abortion in the Charter of Fundamental Rights: “We will lead the battle on our continent, in our Europe, where reactionary forces are attacking women’s rights before attacking those of minorities ”.
The debate in the European Parliament
The European Parliament appreciated Macron’s assistance and on March 14 discussed the issue in Strasbourg, urging member states to guarantee women access to safe and legal abortion. “Deciding about one’s own body is a fundamental right, there is no equality if women cannot do it and it is impossible without the right to abortion,” the Danish liberal MEP said in the chamber Karen Melchior, of Renew, the same group as Macron’s party. Social Democrats and Greens also support the resolution. The Polish progressive Robert Biedro? invited the EU Commission to “work on a charter of women’s rights”, while the French Green Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield he recalled that “there is no healthy democracy without gender equality”.
Even the French centrist Nathalie Colin-Oesterléof the EPP, expressed herself in favor, but also defined Macron’s intention as a beautiful but impossible one, given that health is a matter of national competence.
“Abortion is not a right. Unjust even in the case of rape.” The shock conference promoted by the League in the Chamber
by Lorenzo De Cicco
Already in July 2022 the European Parliament had approved a resolution to introduce abortion into the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU: 324 yes votes, 155 no votes and 38 abstentions. A few days earlier, on June 24, the United States Supreme Court had sensationally canceled the protection guaranteed at the federal level by the historic 1973 ruling Roe vs Wade, allowing every American state to restrict or ban abortion. On this occasion, MEPs expressed full solidarity and support for American women and girls.
Abortion in Europe
Changing the Card will be very difficult. Healthcare, including sexual and reproductive health, falls under national competences, and amending the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights to include abortion requires unanimous agreement from all member states. So governments like theHungary Of Viktor Orbán – where abortion is legal but is made difficult by long waits and humiliating treatment – will be able to veto it. He could do the same Malta, where until last year the termination of pregnancy was prohibited even in the event of risk of death of the mother. In Poland however, the far right of Law and Justice and the new prime minister are no longer in power Donald Tusk However, he is finding it difficult to convince his coalition to change the law, which allows abortion only in cases of rape or incest or if the woman’s life is at risk.
“Feminists? Modern witches. Women are not like men.” Thus Vannacci attacks the female universe. Abortion and divorce in the crosshairs
by Laura Mari
Be that as it may, the vote in the European Parliament will be an important test to understand where Europe is going in terms of women’s rights. If towards the obscurantist America of the Republicans of Trump or towards the challenge launched by France Macron.
#Abortion #Charter #Fundamental #Rights #European #Parliaments #proposal
– 2024-04-09 15:54:35