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Abortion clinics expect a patient increase of 3,000 percent

– We envisage that we can get a patient increase of 3,000 percent, says Gilda Gonzales.

She is the leader of Planned Parenthood in northern California, which is one of the most liberal states in the United States.

From here, they are closely following the Supreme Court’s consideration of a new abortion law passed in conservative Mississippi. The law is considered the most important abortion-related case that has reached the Supreme Court in 50 years.

THE JUDGES: There are nine Supreme Court judges in the United States. Six of them are considered conservative, while three are considered liberal. Photo: Jose Luis Magana

The Mississippi Act will ban all abortions after week 15 of pregnancy, and makes no exceptions for women who have been exposed to incest or rape.

If approved, it is expected that a number of conservative, republican-ruled states will follow suit, and try to get through for legislative changes that remove or restrict women’s right to free abortion.

REQUESTS: Opponents of abortion call on higher powers for the Conservative majority in the US Supreme Court to remove women's right to free abortion.  Photo: Andrew Harnik

REQUESTS: Opponents of abortion call on higher powers for the Conservative majority in the US Supreme Court to remove women’s right to free abortion. Photo: Andrew Harnik

Many abortion advocates also fear that the Supreme Court, which now has a clear conservative predominance, will go so far as to overturn the Supreme Court decision «Roe vs. Wade »from 1973, which is the basis for women’s right to free abortion throughout the United States.

– There will be a political earthquake in the US if it happens, says US commentator Eirik Bergersen.

About «Roe vs. Wade »is set aside, the abortion legislation will be fully up to the individual state. According to Bergersen, the abortion issue will eventually be included in the legislation, which he thinks may be a good idea.

– But it will probably take some time, and in anticipation of that you will get a state of emergency for a while, he says.

Fear the consequences

– We are now working on a draft on how to ensure access to abortion in the state, not only for those who live here in California, but also for those who want to come here from other states, Gonzales says.

CONCERNED: Gilda Gonzales Leads Planned Parenthood Northern California.  She believes that a reduction in abortion rights will hit the most resource-weak the hardest.  Photo: APTN

CONCERNED: Gilda Gonzales Leads Planned Parenthood Northern California. She believes that a reduction in abortion rights will hit the most resource-weak the hardest. Photo: APTN

She fears that the influx of women from other states will affect the supply they can provide to those living in the state.

But she is most worried about the women who do not have the opportunity to come to them.

For the women who can come to the clinics in California from other states, they are the ones who have the opportunity and means to travel to have an abortion.

“This goes beyond those who are in the worst position,” says Gonzales.

Several come from Texas

In California, they have already noticed the consequences of the strict abortion law Texas introduced in September, which bans abortions after week six. So early on, many women do not even know they are pregnant.

Since the law came into force, Planned Parenthood’s California clinics have treated two to three Texas women daily.

IDEAL ORGANIZATION: Planned Parenthood offers services such as abortion, contraception and testing for sexually transmitted diseases.  Photo: APTN

IDEAL ORGANIZATION: Planned Parenthood offers services such as abortion, contraception and testing for sexually transmitted diseases. Photo: APTN

California Gov. Democrat Gavin Newsom says the state will work to secure women’s rights and freedoms.

– We are aware that people will travel here from the states that want to move in a different direction. It is inevitable, and we are looking at ways to deal with it, both in terms of legislative work and budgeting, says Newsom.

Splitter USA

The abortion issue is very hot in the United States, and has become increasingly politicized and polarized in recent times.

“Abortion is a cultural war in the United States,” says Bergersen.

Donald Trump, who was allowed to appoint as many as three Supreme Court justices during his presidency, was particularly concerned that those he elected were willing to override “Roe vs. Wade », according to Bergersen.

– The judges Trump appointed are not only conservative, they are much more activist, he says.

Opposition to free abortion is particularly strong in conservative states in the south and in the Midwest. In more liberal areas on the east and west coasts, people are more in favor of women’s right to abortion.

But opinion polls over time have shown, according to NTB, that a majority of the American population wants to preserve «Roe vs. Wade », which states that women have the right to abortion until the fetus is viable.

All six judges appointed by Republican presidents have said they are willing to uphold the Mississippi law when it begins on December 1. But only four of the six seemed open to scrapping «Roe vs. Wade ».

A final decision is expected by the summer.

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