Students of secondary educational institutions and universities are limited in their ability to receive scholarships from a financial institution of their own choice; usually the educational institution imposes on them a specific bank and products (bank cards) for paying scholarships. Monopoly provision of services is prohibited by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 15, as well as Federal Law of July 26, 2006 No. 135-FZ “On the Protection of Competition”, Article 10, “Prohibition of the abuse of a dominant position by an economic entity.”
Banks charge a commission on the scholarship, which further reduces the size of the already small payments.
Managers and chief accountants of educational institutions, under the influence of local businessmen and officials, sometimes neglect the laws of the Russian Federation and the rights of students. teachers, imposing their services for issuing salaries and scholarships in specific financial organizations. Solving the problem may not be possible; the authorities dictate conditions based on their own calculations of profit and understanding of the law.
Bottom Line
1. The scholarship will be paid in full, without fees.
2. It will become free and comfortable for each student to receive a scholarship from a financial institution of their own choosing.
3. The legislation of the Russian Federation prohibiting competitive monopoly in financial services will be observed.