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Abodi: “Sport must promote psychophysical well-being”

“The national sports system can support the national health system by promoting people’s psychophysical well-being and shortening distances. There is a permanent working group on youth policies and one on sports policies and the latter will meet next week. Collaboration structural with the Regions is the prerequisite for shortening distances, offering opportunities in the common interest of affirming the common good”. Thus Andrea Abodi, minister for sport and youth, during the 3rd Festival of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces.

Abodi also underlines how “our action must be more effective starting from the issue of distances; what we ministers are doing is to support the issue of territories by trying, also in the management of public resources, to put together rather than fragment. We need permanent relationship tools , as a national youth card for example: 3.5 million boys and girls between 18 and 35 use it. We are trying to make it more useful, we want to use it so that it becomes a relationship channel”. Finally, on the subject of young people, the minister places emphasis on the looming risk, between sociability and loneliness, with the aim of being able to “codify the reasons why the news is sometimes so painful. Our task is to anticipate the news moving from indignation to commitment and Caivano is the example of this”.

Zaia: “Cortina track? Ahead of schedule”

”The work schedule for the new bobsleigh track in Cortina is ahead of schedule. I spoke with Minister Abodi and he knows that we are in line with all the sports structures of the Cortina Winter Olympics which will be the basis of the competition 70 years after the last time. Now it’s a question of involving the whole country with the torchbearer programme” declared the president of the Veneto Region Luca Zaia, today in Bari for the Festival of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces.

Rowing, Valentina Rodini also in Tizzano’s team

The “FIC Futura” is completed which sees Davide Tizzano as a candidate for the presidency of the Italian Rowing Federation in view of the Pisa elections on Sunday 24 November. Valentina Rodini, Olympic champion in the lightweight doubles at Tokyo 2020, and Simone Martini, eight-time medalist at the Coastal Rowing and University World Championships, are running in the Athletes quota, alongside the two-time Olympic champion manager (Seoul 1988 and Atlanta 1996) and currently president of the International Committee of the Mediterranean Games. The FIC Futura Team, now complete, is composed of Davide Tizzano (who challenges Abbagnale for the presidency), Michelangelo Crispi, Massimiliano D’Ambrosi, Umberto Dentis, Rossano Galtarossa, Luana Porfido, Francesca Postiglione and Fabrizio Quaglino (candidates at quota Managers), Walter Bottega (candidate in the Technical quota), Simone Martini and Valentina Rodini (candidates in the Athlete quota).

Nepi: “Today it is already late, we need the courage to make choices”

“Today it is already late, we need the courage to make choices. We need to start from the national regulatory plan for the facilities, make destination choices and, as we are already doing today, pragmatically put them on the ground”: these are the clear words of the CEO of Sport and Health, Diego Nepi Molineris, speaking in the panel “Sport as a tool for inclusion” as part of the Festival of the Regions underway in Bari. “The combination between school and sport is a complicated combination but Sport and Health is demonstrating that, despite entering through the back door, it is possible to do a lot. And I am referring to the Scuola Attiva Kids and Junior projects which involved 2 million children and young people with an investment of 18 million. Regarding plant engineering, the objective is to activate new projects, because the current offer is no longer in step with the dreams and desires of the new generations. We must listen to the territories, the young people and their wishes to address the alarming figure of dropout which today is 70% among 12 year olds. This is also why we created the concept of playground called “Illumina”: adaptable and flexible depending on the territory in which they are located and which have the power to create bridges. Caivano’s has overturned the concept of the young person who wanted to go to the center from the suburbs. Today they come from the center of Naples to skate in Caivano. Furthermore – added Nepi – we need to work on accessibility to sport because it is unthinkable for a family to spend a thousand euros”.

#Abodi #Sport #promote #psychophysical #wellbeing

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