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“[Darbinieku skaita] reductions will continue. This is undoubtedly, because in the end the bank will be liquidated and there will be no more employees here. For the time being, we plan to reduce the number of employees in the bank by about 5-7% by the end of the year. We carefully evaluate the responsibilities of each employee, each task assigned to him, because the liquidation process also requires professional employees and a cohesive team, “said Kostomarov.
He added that the bank currently has 370 employees, but the group has a total of about 500 employees.
It has already been reported that European Central Bank has revoked the license issued by ABLV Bank as of 12 July.
In order to maximally protect the interests of customers and creditors and taking into account the decision of the European Central Bank to initiate the liquidation process, the shareholders of ABLV Bank decided at the extraordinary meeting on February 26, 2018 to start the bank’s self-liquidation. Financial and capital market commissions On June 12, 2018, the Supervisory Board allowed ABLV Bank to start the announced self-liquidation process.
ABLV Bank ‘s problems arose after ASV Ministry of Finance The Financial Crime Fighting Network (“FinCEN”) announced in mid-February that it plans to impose sanctions on ABLV Bank for money laundering schemes that have contributed to North Korea’s nuclear weapons program, as well as illegal activities in Azerbaijan, Russia and Ukraine. The report published by FinCEN also states that until 2017, the management of ABLV Bank used bribery to influence officials in Latvia, trying to prevent legal actions against it and reduce the threat to their high-risk activities.
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