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Abinader’s first year seen by the opposition and by the ruling party

While congressmen from the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD) believe the Government, headed by Luis Abinader, has clumsily handled the pandemic, swine fever and the incidence of atmospheric phenomena, like Grace, legislators from the Moreno Revolutionary Party (PRM) defend the enforceable by the authorities and consider them successful. They see the most promising future.

The spokesmen for the purple party benches in the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, Yván Lorenzo and Gustavo Sánchez, considered that the Government has more shadows than lights that it can display.

For the senator for Elías Piña, the only light that is observed in the first year of Abinader’s administration is the increase in collections, announced by the General Directorates of Customs (DGA) and Internal Taxes (DGII).

While he questioned that the indebtedness has reached almost 13 billion dollars and in his opinion it cannot be exhibited in which they have invested it.

For Lorenzo, in terms of health, the current government can only show the tent that the current president donated when he was a candidate to help face the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this regard, his colleague from the other legislative wing, Gustavo Sánchez, spokesman for the PLD’s block of deputies, considered that the first year of Abinader’s administration could not be celebrated with a party, but that he feels as if a relative had died.

“One wonders with 13 billion dollars, what has the PRM done? In other words, you ask in any province and there is not a single work that has started with those millions of dollars, ”he said.

For Sánchez, the Perreme government is very unlucky because during his tenure all the plagues such as African swine fever entered which, in his opinion, they have not been able to confront it.

He criticized that chicken meat “is unattainable” for the high cost it registers.

“I’m sorry for Luis (Abinader), but the officials like they don’t play the same music,” he said.

For Sánchez, the future in the country is not hopeful and he questions how the Dominican people will be able to endure three more years of Perreme administration.

The legislator predicted that the PRM will dedicate itself to blaming the PLD for everything negative that happens in the Dominican Republic, as it assumes they have done so far.

Officialists highlight institutional strengthening

For Senator Antonio Taveras, the Government has been efficient in facing the pandemic because it has taken the correct measures and as a result of this, it is the economic growth that has been projected.

“We thought we were going to have a lost decade, but thank God, no,” he said.

He considered the fight against corruption and institutional strengthening important.

At the legislative level, he stressed that actions have also been promoted in the National Congress to help strengthen the institutionality.

Regarding the indebtedness questioned by the opposition congressmen, he indicated that the entire Latin American countries have had to go into debt in order to face the crisis.

He indicated that with the reform that will be carried out to achieve fiscal reorganization, it will not be necessary to depend much on loans.

“In the past, unnecessary loans were taken, now they were necessary,” he said.

In this regard, Senator Virgilio Cedano Cedano considered that the State has handled itself very neatly because it understands all the loans signed and approved have been necessary for the country because without them there was no possibility of facing the health and economic crisis caused by the pandemic. .

He also affirmed that the Government has been in charge of improving the loans that had been signed by lowering interest rates and managing to extend the repayment terms.

He highlighted that important investments have been made in the sectors of health, education, tourism, free zones and agriculture, among others.

In addition, he stressed that government transparency and the independence of the State Powers have been strengthened.

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