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Abinader: more debts in 4 years than the PLD in 12 | AlMomento.Net

The Ministry of Finance gave us a table with sovereign debt bonds and 20 loan agreements that the Executive Power has managed from August 2020 to 2021 with banks and international organizations through works contracts, acquisitions of goods or provision of services.

These loans are approved first by the Ministry of Finance and by each of the international organizations such as the IDB, AFD, CAF, BIRF, JICA, CABEI, JP MORGAN and second by Congress to commit the payment of the government debt.

However, when we review the loan publications of Congress, we see that it approved 16 loans in the same period, which places 4 agreements that we are paying in the Treasury without having been approved by Congress, which can impact the most dispossessed because they could be diluted in the political bureaucracy. .

It is not true that most of these Abinader loans were used to face the Covid-19 crisis. From August 2020 to December 2021, according to the Treasury and Congress, more than US $6 billion in loans were approved, of which some US $1,432 million (25%) were used for the pandemic.

During the pandemic crisis, between August 2020 and December 2021, seven (7) loans were approved. (1) US$500 million to the IDB, (2) US$236 million to the AFD, (3) US$200 million to JICA, (4) US$300 million to the CAF (5) and US$100 million to the World Bank.

Only in vaccines we have (6) Credit with Astrazeneca UK Limited for US$40 million to buy 8 million vaccines (7) 120 million from Pfizer Free Zone Panama to buy US$10 million of vaccines and more than 6 million of Sinovac for more than US$ 114 million that do not appear in loans but in publications

We have losses in investment in vaccines because, according to the last bulletin, more than 15 million vaccines have been supplied and we have purchased more than 24 million doses, leaving more than 9 million vaccines expired and losses of more than US$50 million.

The government participated in Switzerland in a self-financed way with an amount of US 22 MM in the Covax mechanism to ensure access to 10% of the population to vaccines to face the crisis, but has not given explanations if the UN complied with the delivery of those vaccines.

The loan profits that the IDB has in RD 2021 are incredible. US 500 million for the pandemic, US 39 million and US 250 million for electricity, US 100 million for the Port of Manzanillo, US 30 million for the civil service, and US 115 million in digital transformation.

That Bank, rather than development, is about exploitation of the peoples. It lent US70 million for professional technical education, US50 million for agriculture, US155 million for network expansion and loss reduction, and US250 million for transportation and road safety.

It is followed by the steps by the volume of loans 2020 and 2021. The World Bank IBRD. US 100 MM to Covi, US 100 MM to the National Agreement for Education, US 43.5 MM for drinking water and wastewater for the Mocanos, US 80 MM for Yaque del Norte and Ozama in Isabela.

Another one that is also doing well making loans is the French Development Agency (AFD). US 250 million for ground transportation and road safety, US 236 million for the pandemic, US 50 million and US 110 million for Line 1 of the Sto Dgo Metro.

The Japan International Cooperation Agency JICA joined the party and lent us US$200 million for the pandemic, and US$36 million for energy efficiency. US 300 million was lent by the CAF Banco de Desarrollo de AL and US 97 million to the Santo Domingo Norte Salinity Barrier Aqueduct and Transfer Phase 2.

The Central American Bank for Economic Integration, CABEI, gave us loans of US$300 million, US$50 million for budget support and US$122 million for subscription of shares for capital increase. And a single loan from JP Morgan for US$50 million and another from the Global Bonds for US$2.3 billion.

These loans are not donations or multilateral aid, but businesses that charge a lot of interest to the DR. The sovereign bonds are offered by the bond law at an annual interest rate of 7% from 4 months of grace for 6 years and the loans charge 4 to 5% interest for the benefit of creditors.

For 12 years from 2008 to 2020 Leonel and Danilo took out more than US$13 billion in loans. However, in 1 year and 9 months, Abinader does the same and borrows more than US $6,235 million in bonds and loans with the bloodsucking organizations.

If we review each one of the loans from 2008 to date, we can easily conclude that there is no transparency because they are not regulated and that they have not solved any of the social problems for which they were managed. And worse yet, we are borrowing more in 4 years than the PLD in 12 years.


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