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Abi Al-Muna: The affairs of the country are difficult, and we call for the interest of the nation to prevail

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The General Assembly of the Doctrinal Council of the Unitarian Druze sect held an extraordinary session for it in the sect’s house – Beirut, chaired by the sheikh of the mind of the sect, Sheikh Sami Abi al-Muna, and in the presence of the head of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, the Minister of Education and Higher Education in the caretaker government, Abbas al-Halabi, and the head of the “Democratic Gathering” MP, Timur Jumblatt. And a number of deputies, and the commission discussed a number of internal and national issues.

Abi Al-Muna, Chairman of the Council, started the session with an introductory speech in which he said: “We see and see what is happening in the world in terms of upheaval, tragedies, chaos and challenges, and in terms of disasters, calamities and ups and downs. Economic over the countries, and Lebanon is always at the heart of the event, its mirrors reflect everything around it of the issues of the miserable nation and the crises of neighboring countries, and we see and you see how difficult the past year in which we handed over the Secretariat to your side was in the country in terms of financial deterioration, constitutional imbalance, presidential vacuum, government dispersion and the shake-up of the relationship With the outside, how much we have called and still are, to converge on common denominators and to give priority to the interest of the homeland over everything else, and we see and see how much the internal tensions have escalated in the sect, especially on the religious level, some of which deviated from the gentle spiritual monotheistic framework, as well as at the level of the sect’s institutions, From the sheikhdom of the mind, the sectarian council, and the endowments to the basic Druze institutions that were subjected to systematic and organized attacks, destructive and not innocent, which necessitated from us a positive response, not a negative one, and a positive response is an invitation Leading our children to maturity and righteousness, and by working together with transparency, accuracy, solid will, high confidence, and close cooperation to overcome risks and obstacles.

After that, a general discussion took place on a number of topics related to the interests of the Council and its committees, and the issues of the sect and the homeland, and affirmed “the Council’s readiness to cooperate and work hard, in order to contribute to addressing people’s concerns and the renaissance of society.”

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