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Abel Pintos remembered the day he was the opening act for Rey Pelusa

In March 2012, Miguel Antonio Calderón, better known as El Rey Pelusa, made the decision to return to Córdoba to settle down again after having spent more than a decade abroad. Among the many performances he made after his return to the cuarteto circuit, a colleague from the national music world shared a memory of when he was his opening act.

Abel Pintos appeared on Migue Granados’ show on Olga with Luciano Pereyra and between chats he told about the time he had to share an event with the former Chébere in Ciénaga del coro, a town in Cordoba that until then he didn’t know.

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“That night, King Pelusa was playing, he had returned not long ago,” he began with the anecdote. After seeing the bewildered expressions on the faces of the host and his companions, he continued explaining the characteristics of the singer, whom he defined as a “cool” artist. Pereyra, who was aware of the experience and talent of the King, added the adjective “grosísimo” to finish deciphering the stature of the colleague in question.

+VIDEO: Abel Pintos in Olga

“He broke everything when he came back, there was a furor about his return. We came to play, there were twenty thousand people for him,” Abel recalled, referring to one of the most important and respected artists on the cuarteto circuit.

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