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Abdominal pain: when to go to the doctor

Most often, the function of pain is alarming about the presence of a potentially harmful disorder for the body.

Joint pain, present in young people

Over 200 diseases can affect the joints, many of which are chronic rheumatic diseases, the main symptom being pain. Some of them are degenerative, such as osteoarthritis, a disease that occurs during the aging process at the joint level. In times of crisis, local and / or general treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants and painkillers can be used.

Other diseases of the joints are inflammatory such as rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. In young people, there are especially forms of infectious or autoimmune rheumatism. In inflammatory joint diseases, the pain occurs especially at night; it is accentuated at rest and gives in to movement. Affected joints are swollen and sometimes hot. In such diseases, it is necessary to follow the background treatment.

1 in 5 adults has back pain

One of the ailments that frequently brings people to the doctor is back pain, favored by factors such as spine overload, weight lifting, incorrect posture, muscle stretching, degenerative diseases, vertebral compression, disc herniation, arthritis and osteoarthritis. There are several types of back pain, classified according to their type (mechanical, inflammatory) or by location (cervical pain – in the neck, which radiates or not to the head, shoulder and hands; low back pain – in the lumbar area; back pain – in the region dorsal; pain on the path of a sciatic nerve).

Statistics show that 1 in 5 adults has low back pain that lasts for more than 3 months. If the pain does not subside, it is necessary to see a doctor to find out the cause that led to the back pain. If the discomfort is intense, the doctor will prescribe various medications (nonsteroidal and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, muscle relaxants). Physiotherapy and physical therapy sessions can often be needed. Maintaining fixed positions for long periods (chair state) and activities that overload the spine will be avoided.

Intense abdominal pain, a sign of pancreatitis

Abdominal pain is very common, affecting 2-4 adults out of 10 and 1-2 children out of 10, according to statistics. If it is located on the left side, it may be a damage to the spleen, stomach or pancreas. A possible cause is diverticulitis (inflammation of sac-like formations on the intestinal wall). Intense abdominal pain that occurs suddenly and lasts for several hours or days and radiates backwards can be a sign of pancreatitis, a disease favored, among other things, by the consumption of alcohol and fatty foods, as well as smoking. And constipation can cause pain in the left side.

If the pain occurs on the right side, it may be appendicitis, gallstones or inflammation of the gallbladder. Other possible causes of abdominal pain are: Crohn’s disease, gastroenteritis, peritonitis, intestinal obstruction, renal colic or a viral condition. In women, it may be an ovarian cyst, salpingitis or an ectopic pregnancy. If the pain occurs suddenly, is accompanied by fever or lasts for several days, the presentation to the doctor is more than necessary.

Find out on clicksanatate.ro the opinion of the specialist regarding the pains that need investigations!

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