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Abdominal Breathing Mechanism

KOMPAS.com – Humans breathe to get oxygen and give off carbon dioxide. Humans have several types of breathing, one of which is respiration stomach. How stomach breathing mechanism? Here is the explanation.

Basically, the mechanism belly breathing the same as the normal breathing mechanism. The difference is, belly breathing focuses on work diaphragm. Diaphragm is a large muscle located below the lungs and above the abdominal cavity.

Reported from Physiopediaabdominal breathing strengthens the diaphragm which is an important muscle because it plays a role in 80 percent of the breathing process.

Just like breathing in general, abdominal breathing consists of two main stages, namely inspiration and expiration.

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Inspiration is the process of inhalation, which is when humans inhale to get oxygen.

Reported from Harvard Health PublishingWhen you inhale, the diaphragm muscle contracts (tightens) and moves downwards.

As a result, a larger space is formed in the chest cavity. Thus, the lungs can expand optimally.

Optimally inflated lungs lower the air pressure in the lungs and allow outside air to enter more easily.

The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide then occurs maximally under these conditions.

Read also: Diffusion of O2 and CO2 Gases in the Lungs in the Breathing Process


Exhalation is an exhalation process, which is when humans exhale to remove oxygen from the body.

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