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Abdel Raouf.. Morocco bids farewell to the comedy icon who marked generations

Comedian Abd al-Rahim al-Tunisiknown technically as the title "Abdul Rauf"in the early hours of Monday, after a long illness, at the age of 86.

The artist’s son, Abd al-Rahim al-Tunisi, Osama al-Tunisi, wrote on his Facebook account: “We belong to God and to Him we will return. My father is under God’s protection.”

He was a skilled artist Abdul Rauf Ali suffers from heart disease, which caused swelling in his chest and constant shortness of breath.

Generational artist

The late artist Abd al-Rahim al-Tunisi is considered to be one of the most important Moroccan comedians who influenced a whole generation of Moroccans, as he was famous for his distinct voice and baggy clothes and for playing the role of a naïve personality and cheerful that transforms situations of everyday life into moments of laughter.

And it started "Abdul Rauf" Born in 1936, he took his first steps on the stage in the early 1960s, marking an artistic career full of successes. "Abdul Rauf" His career accompanied him for many decades, before illness years ago drove him away from the art scene.

And create a character "Abdul Rauf" The cartoon in 1960, after being inspired by a former classmate of his who was regarded as the embodiment of all that is ridiculous, so the audience admired him and made later generations laugh. Performances began to take place in crowded theaters, with the windows closed and audio tapes sold by the thousands.

Celebrities mourned the deceased

Several famous Moroccan artists spread the news of his death "Abdul Rauf"on their personal pages on social networking sites.

Is called The Moroccan union of professionals of the dramatic arts at the end "A capable artist"AND"One of the most famous performers in the history of Moroccan comedy, who has enjoyed great popularity over the decades".

The journalist and poet, Abdul Hamid Jamahri wrote that the name of the late Abdul Raouf "It has been associated with me with rousing laughter since we were taught to laugh as children "adding that the delay "Distribute millions of alms to millions of people with smiles, laughter and joy".

For her part, the artist and director of the Higher Institute of Dramatic Art and Cultural Animation, Latifa Ahrar, wrote: "May God have mercy on the accomplished comedian Si Abdel Rahim Al-Tunisi. My condolences to his little family and big fans".

A few weeks ago, the media reported the deteriorating health of Moroccan artist Abd al-Rahim Tounsi, “Abd al-Raouf”, and that he had entered intensive care.

Royal condolences

King Mohammed VI has sent a telegram of condolences and sympathy to the family members of the late artist Abdel Rahim Al-Tunisi.

It came in the telegram "We have received, with deep emotion, the sad news of the death of the one who is covered by God’s forgiveness and satisfaction, the late, illustrious comedian Abd al-Rahim al-Tunisi, may God welcome him beside him.".

On this painful occasion, the Moroccan monarch expressed to the family of the deceased, and through her to all her family and relatives, and to the great artistic family of the deceased, his deepest condolences and sincere condolences for the loss of "One of the pioneers of targeted comic theater art in Morocco, known for his originality and creativity, which evokes, with all due appreciation, the kindness of his character and his cheerful and creative spirit, which he excelled in embodying in his personality spontaneous . "Abdul Rauf"who impressed the artistic path is dead


And he died Comedian Abd al-Rahim al-TunisiTechnically known as “Abdul Raouf”, in the early hours of Monday, after a long illness, aged 86.

The artist’s son, Abd al-Rahim al-Tunisi, Osama al-Tunisi, wrote on his Facebook account: “We belong to God and to Him we will return. My father is under God’s protection.”

He was a skilled artist Abdul Rauf Ali suffers from heart disease, which caused swelling in his chest and constant shortness of breath.

Generational artist

The late artist Abd al-Rahim al-Tunisi is considered to be one of the most important Moroccan comedians who influenced a whole generation of Moroccans, as he was famous for his distinct voice and baggy clothes and for playing the role of a naïve personality and cheerful that transforms situations of everyday life into moments of laughter.

And “Abdul Raouf”, born in 1936, took his first steps on the stage in the early 1960s, and left his mark on an artistic career full of successes. .

And he created the comic character “Abdul Raouf” in 1960, after getting inspired by his former classmate who was regarded as the embodiment of all that is ridiculous, so audiences admired him and he made laughs for later generations. Performances began to take place in crowded theaters, with the windows closed and audio tapes sold by the thousands.

Celebrities mourned the deceased

Several famous Moroccan artists shared the news of Abdel Raouf’s death on their personal social media pages.

Is called The Moroccan union of professionals of the dramatic arts at the end “A capable performer” and “one of the most famous performers in the history of Moroccan comedy, who has enjoyed great popularity over the decades.”

The journalist and poet, Abd al-Hamid Jamahri wrote that the name of the late Abd al-Raouf “has been associated with me with rousing laughter since we learned to laugh in childhood”, adding that the deceased “distributed millions of alms to millions with smiles, laughter and joy.”

For her part, the artist and director of the Higher Institute of Dramatic Art and Cultural Animation, Latifa Ahrar, wrote: “May God have mercy on the illustrious comedian El-Si Abdel-Rahim El-Tunisi. My condolences to his small family and its large audience”.

A few weeks ago, the media reported the deteriorating health of Moroccan artist Abd al-Rahim Tounsi, “Abd al-Raouf”, and that he had entered intensive care.

Royal condolences

King Mohammed VI has sent a telegram of condolences and sympathy to the family members of the late artist Abdel Rahim Al-Tunisi.

And the telegram stated: “We received with deep emotion the sad news of the death of the one who is covered by God’s forgiveness and satisfaction, the late and esteemed comedian Abd al-Rahim al-Tunisi, may God welcome him beside him” .

On this painful occasion, the Moroccan monarch expressed to the family of the deceased, and through it to all his family and relatives, and to the great artistic family of the deceased, his deepest condolences and sincere condolences for the loss of “one of the pioneers of comic theater art aimed at Morocco, which is known for its originality and creativity, evoking, with all appreciation, what he had.With him, may God have mercy on him, from the sweetness of creation, and from the creative and joyful spirit, he excelled in embodying it in his spontaneous personality, “Abdul Raouf”, with which he left an imprint on an artistic path

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