Home » Health » Abdalá vaccine against COVID-19 will not be applied in health units run by the Jalisco government

Abdalá vaccine against COVID-19 will not be applied in health units run by the Jalisco government

The Jalisco Health Secretariat (SSJ) reports that the Abdalá vaccine against COVID-19 will not be applied in health units run by the Jalisco government, since it lacks the endorsement of the World Health Organization (WHO) and there is no to date, evidence of its efficacy and safety, neither as an initial regimen nor as a booster.

Regarding the arrival of said biological of Cuban origin to Jalisco territory, it should be clarified that the state government, through the Head of the SSJ, Fernando Petersen Aranguren, ex officio stated to Dr. Jorge Alcocer Varela, Federal Secretary of Health that, in Jalisco, this vaccine will not be received, for the aforementioned reasons. To date, that decision is maintained and not a single dose has been received; however, the federal authority in charge of vaccination against COVID-19 throughout the country, through the Correcaminos strategy, made the Abdalá vaccine available to federal health institutions (IMSS and ISSSTE).

“The population must have all this information about the Abdalá vaccine so that they can decide whether or not to apply it,” said the Secretary of Health, Fernando Petersen Aranguren.

In Jalisco, currently 83 percent of the population over 18 years of age has a complete schedule of the vaccine against COVID-19 (one or two doses). Vaccines from five different laboratories (AstraZeneca, Sinovac, Pfizer-BioNTech, Cansino and Moderna) have been applied, all with WHO endorsement.

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