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“Abba Pater” Festival from August 1st in Wrocław

First day, Thursday 1st Augustwill be held under the slogan – “Getting to know the true face of the Father”. At 5:00 p.m. there will be a ceremonial introduction of the icon of God the Father, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, at 5:45 p.m. reading of the Holy Scripture, at 6:00 p.m. – Holy Mass, which will be led by Bishop Jan Sobiło, auxiliary bishop of Kharkiv-Zaporizhia, involved in spreading the cult of God the Father. After the Eucharist, there will be a procession with the icon of God the Father and the beginning of the 24-hour Rosary Jericho.

Friday 2nd August – “Open Yourself to the Love of the Father”: 5:00 PM – Rosary to God the Father; 6:00 PM – First Mass, presided over by Fr. Bartosz Dalaszyński, Discalced Carmelite (newly ordained this year, formerly a member of the Academic Chaplaincy of the KARMEL in Wrocław). The homily will be delivered by Fr. Winfried Wermter, author of the novena to God the Father. After the Eucharist, the Way of the Cross “Our Father” will take place.

Saturday 3rd August – “Being filled with the Father’s love”: 5:00 p.m. – Rosary to God the Father, 6:00 p.m. – Holy Mass, followed by testimony about experiencing the Father’s love and a prayer of adoration.
Sunday, August 4th – “To Persevere in the Love of the Father”: 12:45 – sung litany to God the Father, at 1:00 p.m. solemn Eucharist with entrustment to God the Father and consecration of chapels with the mysteries of the Rosary to God the Father around the church. After the Holy Mass, a prayer of adoration will continue in the garden by the church. The stage will feature performances by, among others, the Sacred Music Ensemble “Lumen”, Janusz Szrom, Jacek and Patrycja Kotlarscy. It will be possible to eat at “Gospoda u Ojca”. At 5:00 p.m., the Rosary to God the Father will be recited at the chapels.

The preparation for the festival celebration is a novena to God the Father – from Monday to Wednesday at 5:35 p.m., from Thursday to Saturday as part of the festival after the Mass at 6:00 p.m., and also online, on the YouTube channel “Karmel i Ty”. Details: festiwalAbbaPater.pl.

– God the Father wants us to honor Him together – said Fr. Krzysztof Piskorz OCD, parish priest and prior of the Wrocław Carmelite community, at the beginning of the novena. – The novena has a community dimension. It is a preparation for the first Sunday of August, which is particularly associated with honoring God the Father. He wants this to be His feast.

The Carmelite invites us not to focus on making requests, but on praising God the Father. He knows what His children need. – I encourage you to focus on love for God the Father – so that we may burn even more with love for Abba-Daddy; may there be in our hearts the desire for Him to be more known, loved, and honored.

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