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Abascal refuses to reveal if he has received the vaccine against COVID-19: “I will not answer that question” | Society

Santiago Abascal, leader of Vox, declined to reveal whether he has been vaccinated against COVID-19 in a EsRadio interview next to Federico Jimenez Losantos. When asked directly if you have received the vaccineAbascal answers sharply: “I am not going to answer that question.”

“I am not going to answer because I believe in front of those who have said that it is an act of patriotism or love …”, Abascal began arguing his answer. Federico Jiménez Losantos has interrupted him and declared that it is an “act of public health“. The leader of Vox has asked him then that” since when do you have to testify “in public on health issues.

Despite this, he has clarified that Vox has defended “from the beginning” that all Spaniards who want to be vaccinated have the right to do so and, those who are not participants in receiving the vaccine, also have the freedom to refuse. Losantos has reproached him for having a “very irresponsible” stance towards his voters.

“I defend that there is freedom, but also responsibility when one is in certain jobs. One who is not vaccinated cannot enter this company because it infects me and I am left without writing. I understand the argument of freedom, the liberal par excellence, but then everyday life is more dragged and you have to negotiate with reality. And negotiate with reality is the vaccination“, explained the journalist in response to Abascal’s response.

The Vox leader clarifies that “I have not spoken out against the vaccine.” Losantos has answered that “I’m sure” that he has been vaccinated, to which he added: “That is going to stay here. I am not going to proselytize from one side or the other. I proselytize freedom in a context in Spain in which there is less and less freedom “, he concludes.

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