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“Abandoned and Left to Die: The Tragic Story of Chairman Mao the Rabbit”

【Animal News】Animals are not toys, but many rabbit breeders refuse to treat their rabbits as soon as possible, and abandon them cruelly when something happens. Many rabbits are already terminally ill when they are taken over by volunteers, watching them die in agony with vain eyes. The rabbit “Chairman Mao” was abandoned by the owner a few days ago and was taken over by the Hong Kong Rabbit Saver Home. However, the rabbit has suffered from severe intestinal blockage due to long-term dehydration. Passed away this morning. Volunteers from the Hong Kong Rabbit House were very distressed and urged the owners to think carefully when raising rabbits, and to send rabbits to the doctor as soon as possible when they are sick.

Chairman Mao’s former owner abandoned the rabbit on April 12 on the grounds that the rabbit was sensitive to the family, and claimed that the rabbit’s diet was fine. The sesame seeds are finer, and his stomach is very hard. After repeated questioning by the volunteers, the former owner said that the rabbits had run out of food and drinking water a few days earlier.

The volunteers immediately took the rabbit to the veterinary clinic for examination, and found that he had severe intestinal blockage, even the cecum was full. He developed hypothermia and hypotension. No matter how hard Tutu is, he still tries to stand up and watch the volunteers. He is also willing to eat grass and still has the will to survive. The volunteers also hope that Tutu can recover. Unfortunately, his condition has deteriorated sharply in the past two days, and he went into shock until this morning. Bunny finally passed away.

Such tragic stories of abandoning sick rabbits often happen. Hong Kong Rabbit Saver appeals to everyone not to take rabbits home without thinking because they are cute. Rabbits must be carefully considered and taken care of by themselves, not by others.

Volunteers also pointed out that the medical expenses of rabbits are more expensive than those of cats and dogs, and the owners should learn how to observe rabbits and seek early treatment when they are sick. Rabbits normally eat pastures twice their size, drink plenty of water, and have about 300 pieces of feces per day. If you find that your rabbit drinks less water and food, or defecates less, it means that he may have gastrointestinal problems and you must see a doctor as soon as possible.

Volunteers also emphasized that large temperature differences can also make rabbits sick. When the room temperature exceeds 27°C, it is enough to cause heatstroke in rabbits. High humidity can also affect their stomach and skin.

The post The rabbit fell ill and was abandoned for four days before passing away regrettably appeared first on Hong Kong Animal Post.

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