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Aargau economy is losing momentum

July 18, 2022 12:09 p.m

one Message of the Aargauische Kantonalbank (AKB) According to the bank in cooperation with the cantonal location promotion Aargau Services The Aargau economic barometer closed at the end of June at 90.2 points. Compared to the previous month, the barometer has dropped by 3.6 points, explain the analysts from AKB and location promotion. It is also currently almost 10 percent below its long-term growth trend of 100 points.

In the month under review, analysts observed bearish developments in almost all components of the barometer. The financial market component fell most clearly, according to the statement. The analysts attribute this to the high risk of a recession in the USA, which has driven the stock indices “close to the lows for the year”.

In addition to the Aargau economic barometer, AKB and Aargau Service have also developed a Switzerland-wide economic indicator. It lost 5.5 percent in June and is currently at 86.5 points, the analysts write. They expect that the trends revealed by the two indices “will be reflected by official economic data with a lag of around three to six months.” hs

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