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AAPI: start of processing requests for conversion of concession into transfer

The Algerian Investment Promotion Agency (AAPI), announced this Monday in a press release, the launch of the operation to process requests from investment project leaders wishing to benefit from the conversion of the concession into transfer .

The concession convertible into transfer is granted upon payment, by the concessionaire, of an annual rental fee, from the date of entry into operation of the investment.

The conversion of the concession into transfer is established by established act, at the discretion of the Algerian Investment Promotion Agency, by the services of the territorially competent areas.

Thus, those interested in this measure can submit their requests to the regional one-stop shop of the Agency with territorial jurisdiction, accompanied by the required supporting documents (request form to download from the Agency’s official website, certificate of conformity, notebook of costs of the grant relating to the concession, report of entry into operation and deed of mortgage release encumbering the real property rights resulting from the granting of the concession), according to the press release.

Concessions relating to land falling within the private domain of the State and intended for the realization of real estate development projects benefiting from State aid are not affected by this measure, being subject to specific legal provisions, concludes the document.


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