Wout will be in the first live show of The Voice of Flanders tonight. — © VTM
The Aalter municipal council is calling on people to vote en masse for resident Wout Eggermont (25) tonight. He will appear tonight during the first live show of The Voice of Flanders on VTM.
Friday, April 5, 2024 at 10:14 AM
Wout already survived two rounds in the talent show, but now it is up to the audience and not the jury to determine whether he can advance to the next round. He will compete against 14 other candidates tonight. The municipal council is already calling on the municipal information boards to vote for Wout and the program can be followed live in the Kadans youth center. The Voice of Flanders starts tonight at 8:40 PM and you can vote by text message or via the VTM site.