Home » today » Business » AAA Auto, the largest network of used cars in the Czech Republic, will fall by fifteen percent this year

AAA Auto, the largest network of used cars in the Czech Republic, will fall by fifteen percent this year

The network of second-hand car dealers AAA Auto expects to sell 73,000 cars this year, which is 15 percent less than last year. The main reason is the effects of the coronavirus epidemic, due to which the facilities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia were closed for five weeks. So far, the group has sold 56,000 cars. The group’s economic performance will be around 70 percent compared to last year. This was stated by Karolína Topolová, CEO of Aures Holdings.

According to Topolová, despite the decline, this will be the group’s fifth best result this year. “At the turn of March and April, our car centers were completely closed in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and the free movement of persons was restricted in Poland and Hungary. These belongings had a severe impact on our sales volume. In August, we were already at about 90 percent of performance and in September we approached one hundred percent. This is a big difference compared to the new car market, which fell by more than a quarter, “added Topolová.

With a delay of about six months due to the epidemic, the company will continue its planned expansion. This is especially the Polish market, which was to become the second largest market of the brand after the Czech Republic this year with a plan of 20,000 cars sold.

“We believe that we will meet this year’s planned sales next year. To achieve the goal for next year, we want to open four purchasing branches in Poland by cities before 150,000 and one sales branch depending on the development of the pandemic. we would then like to open three to five sales branches in the capitals of the voivodship in Poland, “added Topolová.

The Group is increasing the capacity of car centers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia through reconstructions or relocations. For example, it has recently moved to Liberec, which can accommodate double 400 cars. In its development strategy, the group has invested in digitization, in which it will invest five million euros over two years. For example, people can already order a car online and have it delivered to their home.

In three quarters, AAA used cars sold 31,700 cars in the Czech Republic, 10,300 in Poland, 10,700 in Slovakia and 2,550 in Hungary. The network has a stable supply of approximately 12,000 cars in Central Europe, of which 8,000 in the Czech Republic.

According to operations director Petr Vaněček, there is a growing interest in the market for larger cars, especially SUVs, in which people spend their holidays. Another trend is that among the buyers there are more and more elderly people who have decided to reuse a car instead of public transport due to a pandemic.

Currently, the second wave of the pandemic is beginning to show in sales. The company disinfects cars and branches with ozone, disinfection gels and disposable gloves are available for customers. In offices, partitions separate customers from staff.

The AAA Auto Group is owned by the British-Polish investment fund Abris Capital Partners. AAA operates 44 purchasing and sales branches in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary. It currently employs 2,400 people.

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