The A7 between Sneek and Joure will remain closed for at least six months. The road went ahead two weeks ago closed indefinitelybecause the asphalt near the Princess Margriet canal turned out to have been raised by groundwater.
In an emergency meeting, Rijkswaterstaat, the province of Friesland and the municipalities of Súdwest-Fryslân and De Fryske Marren drew up an action plan, but the parties involved did not see an immediate solution. “We are dealing with high groundwater levels, peat meadows and a village nearby, which doesn’t make things easy,” says chief engineer Joost de Ruig from Rijkswaterstaat.
It concerns the part of the A7 under the Princess Margriet canal aqueduct at Uitwellingerga. A part of the tunnel trough, a so-called tunnel section, has risen due to groundwater pressure. The anchors that were supposed to hold the tunnel section in place were probably broken.

Rijkswaterstaat has already posted one day after the road closure 1700 large bags of sand to prevent the asphalt from rising further. Rijkswaterstaat is still investigating how the damage could have occurred. Only when this is clear can it be considered how to repair the road.
Until a solution is found, traffic will have to divert. The official diversion route has been set via Leeuwarden on the N31, A32 and A7.
Rijkswaterstaat, the province and the municipalities involved are also concerned about the bridges on these roads, among other things. These are now subjected to a heavier load due to the deflection and therefore wear out faster or are less resistant to heavy traffic.
Since the investigation and repair of the A7 is expected to take at least another six months, the authorities want to take into account, for example, the sailing season starting in April during the works and diversions. A working group should consider this aspect further, as well as limiting the nuisances for local residents.