There will be no traffic on the A6 between Lelystad-Noord and Urk this weekend. This is due to asphalt work on the Ketelbrug. Those who want to drive north will therefore have to deal with diversions and traffic jams. That was also the case last weekend, when the Ketelbrug was closed in a southerly direction.
Rijkswaterstaat is now deploying traffic controllers to steer the worst crowds in the right direction. “We have seen that it is getting very busy at a number of intersections, so we are taking this measure,” says Assia Messouli. Especially on the N50 and Hanzeweg (N307), traffic jammed last weekend.
The highway closes at 10 p.m. Friday night and reopens at 5 a.m. Monday morning. It is not possible to drive further than the Lelystad-Noord exit between those two times.
‘This is really necessary’
Limiting the work to one lane, so that traffic can still pass slowly, is not possible on the Ketelbrug, according to Rijkswaterstaat. “We really have to close the road completely. Because we want to guarantee the safety of road workers. But also the safety of road users.”
After asphalting, new stripes will also be placed on the road and a number of other activities will take place. “You can’t do this in a few evenings or nights,” says Messouli. “So we choose to close the road completely.” The alternative was that the A6 would have to close in the evenings for several weekends.
‘Choose the right diversion route’
Rijkswaterstaat is trying to divert traffic that will be affected by the work very early on. For example, if you drive from Amsterdam to Emmeloord, you are advised to take the A1 and A28.
Driving on the A6 to Lelystad and then taking a detour via N-roads is not what Rijkswaterstaat recommends. Local roads have a lot less capacity than highways.
Motorists are advised to use the route planner on the website All work and detour routes are indicated therein.

Parallel road closed
Although the sealing work will be limited to the main road between Lelystad and Urk, the parallel road will also be closed this weekend. It can therefore not be used as a detour route. “We are closing it to prevent cut-through traffic. The parallel road is not intended and made for the amount of traffic that normally drives on the A6,” Messouli explains.
Only agricultural traffic, emergency services and cyclists can use the parallel road during the work.
Also work on lelystad-Enkhuizen dike
The province of Flevoland will also carry out work on the road during the weekend of 10 and 11 June. From Friday 9 to Saturday 10 June, work will be carried out on the dike between Lelystad and Enkhuizen from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m.
2023-06-10 05:59:57
#Attention #LelystadNoord #Urk #closed #weekend