Home » today » News » A young man with depression disappears for more than a month in Peru and his mother embarks on a 4,000-kilometer journey to find him (and finds him)

A young man with depression disappears for more than a month in Peru and his mother embarks on a 4,000-kilometer journey to find him (and finds him)

“He was very skinny, dirty and in poor condition,” said the woman, who used her social networks to thank all the support she received from Internet users to locate her son.

Fabiana Benestante is an Argentine woman who traveled from Pigüé, in Buenos Aires, to Peru, with the sole purpose of looking for her son Francisco, a 24-year-old backpacker who had no news since last December 23. After a long journey he was able to meet the young man in a neighborhood of Lima, called La Victoria.

Benestante arrived last Monday in Lima, where he was received by one of Francisco’s friends, Kevin, who knew the area through which the young man moved, who is going through a strong process of depression. With the help of the Peruvian police, at one in the morning, he was found alive.

The mother, who stayed in the apartment of a citizen who read her story in the press and offered her stay, story that his son “did not stop crying” and promised that he would leave that chapter of his life behind.

“She was very skinny, dirty and in poor condition,” said the woman, who used her social networks to thank all the supporters who supported her. “Infinitely grateful. His energies helped me. I never doubted that I would find him,” wrote in a post that was shared more than 600 times in a couple of hours and generated about 200 comments.

The woman assured to the Argentine newspaper La Nueva that is processing “a lot of papers” at the Consulate of Argentina in Peru to move in the next hours to Pigüé by land.

In mid-December of last year, the mother had also gone to look for her son, but the Peruvian immigration authorities did not let him leave the Andean country because of the young man’s problems with his documentation.

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On that occasion, the mother returned to Argentina with the promise that her son, after solving the paperwork, would return to the country. On December 23, Francisco assured him that he would return to Pigüé for the New Year’s holidays, but then disappeared, so Fabiana began his search again.

Francisco will turn 25 on February 2. He has been a backpacker since he was 19, when he sold his motorcycle and left his job to start traveling in South America. His first destination was Mar del Plata (Argentina), then he lived in Brazil, Bolivia and Peru. In Pigüé, his two younger sisters and his father, Marcelo, who have a transport company are waiting for him.

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