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A year after Ibiza: Debate on political morality continues

“We are not like that,” said Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen in a video addressed to the Austrians last year, hoping to restore confidence in politics and democracy. Irmgard Griss, the former President of the Supreme Court (OGH), does not want to sign this in the discussion in “In the Center” on Sunday evening. “Maybe rather: we don’t want to be like this, we shouldn’t be like that,” says Griss. “The ‘Ibiza video’ proves that it happens to us, that’s not an isolated case.”

Rather, they are structures that appear in Austrian politics. “It was a shock for me to say something like this,” Griss was also stunned a year later about Strache’s promise to state orders of the oligarch’s niece. “That you think something like that, maybe, but pronounce it?” Griss took stock.

Strache justifies himself

35 investigations are underway against Heinz-Christian Strache, the deeply fallen ex-chancellor who wanted to sell half of the republic including the “Kronen Zeitung” a year ago. Now he wants to go back to politics in order to become a representative of the people again – and also sought “In the center” on Sunday evening to save himself in attack rather than in defense. “Stasi methods” led to his case, theses about secret drugs were re-established, much in the video was taken out of context.


He was filmed “in a very questionable condition”. He “behaved terribly”, but refused all offers. He also gave a swipe to the journalists who were involved in uncovering the scandal. “Journalists wanted to secure themselves legally with the book, should the video be handed over to the prosecutors,” said the former FPÖ vice chancellor. However, full publication is not possible for various legal reasons, among other things because rumors about Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) and former Chancellor Christian Kern (SPÖ) were scattered.

Video: Hans Bürger, head of domestic policy at ORF, on the consequences of the “Ibiza affair”

Griss: “Doesn’t belong in politics”

But there was not long to be a contradiction: “Someone who shows such an attitude with such statements as on the video has to say to himself:” I have lost nothing in politics “, said the former President of the Supreme Court and NEOS MP Irmgard Griss towards Strache. “He has to say: ‘Ok, I tried it, but I don’t belong here.'” According to Griss, the whole cause is not an isolated case. “This is thinking and overestimation, as you find them in politics.” According to her, people have changed since Ibiza, but not the politics as a whole. Political scientist Peter Filzmaier sees Austria’s political landscape above all as “a problem with law and morality.” And former Interior Minister Wolfgang Peschorn also pointed out that it was only the structures in this country that made the talks in Ibiza possible.

“Predecessors rented hotel suites”

When asked about serious allegations in the expense report, Strache turned the tables and spoke of a “jealousy debate”. He represented a lot, also in his house, for which he received a 2500 euro rent subsidy. “My predecessors in the FPÖ rented hotel suites instead, my way was cheaper,” said the new chairman of “Team HC Strache”.


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