A woman has been granted a temporary barring order against her husband after claiming he has complete control over their finances and heating, and threatened to leave her “in the gutter”. She also claimed to have had suicidal thoughts and locked herself in her bedroom to avoid her husband. A safety order is already in place, stating the woman’s husband cannot use or threaten violence, but she claimed this has not been effective. The husband has been ordered to attend a full hearing later in the month, while the woman has been granted an interim barring order excluding him from the family home for eight days. In a separate case, an elderly man’s release from hospital is being delayed due to concerns surrounding his adult son, with the community healthcare team citing concerns of emotional, financial and physical abuse. Care workers also noted that the man is regularly required to give his son money and has been completely isolated from his family. The judge granted a protection order prohibiting the man’s son from using or threatening to use violence, and set a date for a full hearing in the future.