Home » today » Entertainment » A woman from Vâlcea got lost in the forest for 5 days. After the unsuccessful intervention of the tracking dogs and a helicopter, the idea of ​​a policeman saved her: “She was barefoot and uneaten.”

A woman from Vâlcea got lost in the forest for 5 days. After the unsuccessful intervention of the tracking dogs and a helicopter, the idea of ​​a policeman saved her: “She was barefoot and uneaten.”

The 35-year-old woman left her father’s house in Făureşti on April 24 in an unknown direction.

Because she did not return home, her relatives searched the entire village the next day. Around 22:00, they decided to alert the Măciuca Rural Police Station 10 about her disappearance.

“He is 1.65 m tall, weighs 50 kg, has long brown hair and brown eyes, wears glasses and has a defect in his left eye. At the time of departure, she was wearing a pair of dark trousers and a blouse with multicolored stripes arranged horizontally “, are the signals of the woman described by the representatives of the Police.

Marinela Nicoleta Iordache was searched by police, gendarmes and local volunteers. Even tracking dogs were used, but to no avail. The area was also flown over by a helicopter of the General Aviation Inspectorate of the Ministry of Interior

On Friday, April 29, a police officer from the Bălcesti Police had the idea to look for her in a hard-to-reach area, where the teams had not yet arrived.

“Today, after our colleague from the Bălcești Police had a premonition about a possible location where the woman would be, he left with his personal off-road vehicle, together with two other colleagues, and in a hard-to-reach area they found the missing woman “, the representatives of IPJ Vâlcea transmitted, according to voceavalcii.ro.

Marinela Nicoleta Iordache was found more than 14 kilometers away from home. “She was barefoot and uneaten, starving. He confessed that he left voluntarily and that he got lost in the forest “, the rescuers later said, according to truth.

“She was not the victim of any crime. It was handed over to the workers from the Vâlcea Ambulance Service. They transported her to the hospital, because she felt very weak, in order to assess her health condition, but also to provide her with the necessary medical care “, mentioned the spokesperson of the Vâlcea County Police, Cătălin Udrea.

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