A great event of security it happened on tuesday November 26 in the night, when he touched them 55 and 60 years he managed to board a plane without a ticket Delta Airlines since John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) in New York tied for Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris. The a mysterious traveler it was found after the plane landed and removed by the French authoritieswhich generated warnings about the protocols security on one of the busiest air traffic days for the holidays Thanks.
As reported by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA)the woman successfully passed under control security there JFKwhere he was checked for possible prohibited substances, confirming that he was not an immediate danger security. However, it bypassed at least two security checkpoints. identity y procedure before entering the plane.
The a traveleridentified as a Russian passport and a permanent resident of United States (keeper of residence card o green card), apparently hidden in the bathrooms of the aircraft during much of the flight. Rob Jacksona passenger on board, he confirmed CNN that the woman moved between the bathroomsstaying in them for a long time, which caused the curiosity of the travelers.

he is captain of the aircraft, identified as the no 264 from Delta Airlinesinform the passengers after landing Paris that they had to remain seated while they were French authorities a solution to what he described as “a real problem of security“. According to the testimony of the passengers, when they landed pilot pointed out the Police about to board the plane to deal with the “extra passenger.”
Right now, the woman is in the area SCARF of the Charles de Gaulle Airporta reserved area for people waiting exclusion. According to official sources, the woman tried to ask asylum in Francebut he did not meet the necessary requirements to enter the country. It will be has been dismissed a United States in the coming days, as confirmed NBC News.
Delta Airlines issued a statement in which he emphasized its importance security and he proved that he fulfills a comprehensive study in collaboration with the aviation authorities and groups of security. “Nothing is more important than security and protection. Therefore, we work closely with the authorities to find out what happened,” the airline said.
The TSA also reviewing the protocols of the security there JFKone of the airports busiest in the world, especially during the holidays Thankswhen there is more 2.7 million passengers has passed United States Airportsaccording to official data.

JP Tristaniex commercial pilotcalled the incident “unbelievable” and expressed concern about the severity of the data breach. security. “Even passengers on the waiting list have to go through a gate agent. Here was a critical failure in the sequence of security“, he said in statements to CNN.
In July 2019a man was found dead in the landing gear of a plane Kenya Airways. According to the authoritieshe stowaway it was hidden in the landing gear compartment Nairobi and did not survive the low temperature and lack of oxygen.
In another incident, in August 2021group of afghan he desperately tried to stick to the landing gear of a US military plane taking off Kabul International Airport during a chaotic evacuation after the troops were withdrawn from United States. Unfortunately, several of them died after reportedly falling from a great height ABC News.
In real cases, polyzones They managed to hide in compartments such as the landing gear, exposing themselves to sub-zero temperatures and lack of oxygen at high altitudes. According to the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)between 1947 and 2021 are recorded anyway 128 events from polyzones on commercial planes around the world. Of these, more than 76% resulting in the death of the individual due to extreme conditions during the flight.
2024-11-28 23:31:00
#woman #evaded #York #airport #security #flew #Paris #ticket